Monthly New Features Highlights – December 2022

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New Features Available on Production Servers!

Patient Responsibility Estimator

➢ New feature that allows the practice to view patient responsibility.

Billing Widget Update

➢ The Billing Widget now has the new option for individual users to set favorites for their
modifiers similar to what we do with ICD/CPT Codes.

Auto Check-out by Appointment Type

➢ New feature that allows users to automatically check-out patients based on appointment

Schedule Alerts

➢ Updated Alerts for patient balances that go over or under a set threshold.

Documentation Updates

➢ FlexNote now has a set of new features including creating tasks within a note, highlights for
unreviewed fields, and adding an addendum to completed notes.
➢ XDocs now has additional logging features.

Click here for detailed information on new features on app servers


Patient Portal Optimizations

➢ New settings for preferred patient portal version
➢ Patient portal logs now include portal version, portal link, and delivery method used.
➢ Patients can now view their medications in the CareToMe patient portal.
➢ Appointment Type Summary Report now includes unique patient count.

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