Change Healthcare Outage Updates

Update – March 29, 2024

We understand the challenges the Change Healthcare outage has brought, especially with delayed payments and confusing updates.

Here’s how we’re addressing these issues:

  • Payment Delays: We’re working tirelessly to manage these delays. Remember, if our work doesn’t result in your payment, it’s free.
  • Clear Communication: We’ll continue to provide regular, straightforward updates to cut through any confusion.

Solutions in Action:

  • Manual Processing: We’re working on getting paper claims submitted.
  • Automated Approaches: We’re working on securing EDI approvals for efficiency.
  • Your Role: Please promptly sign and return any forms sent via task by our enrollment team for ERA processing.

We’re in this together, and our commitment to your success is unwavering.

Thank you for your patience and trust in ClinicMind.


Update – March 25, 2024

As you know, the current CHC outage is impacting our ability to send out paper patient statements, which currently remain on hold.

Given these challenges, we strongly encourage the transition to electronic statements (e-statements). The CHC outage did not affect e-statements, which are available for those using Fortis or Cash Practice as their credit card merchant.

To set up e-statements, please contact us to update your account if you have any questions about this process. Our team is ready to assist you in making this transition as seamless as possible.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding during this difficult period


Update – March 20, 2024

Today’s update regarding our ongoing situation with Change Healthcare is as follows: There is still uncertainty about when Change Healthcare will resume accepting claims. In light of this, we continue to re-enroll practices through alternative clearinghouses. This is a crucial step in ensuring our operations continue smoothly during this period.

In addition to this, we are actively exploring additional submission paths. Our team is collaborating with our current partner vendors to identify alternative solutions in cases where our existing clearinghouses may not be viable options. Our primary focus remains on getting claims submitted efficiently and effectively.

Alongside these efforts, we also focus on redirecting practices? Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). This is an important aspect of our overall strategy to maintain seamless financial operations.

Your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges are greatly appreciated.


Update – March 14, 2024

Change Healthcare (CHC) recently provided updates on their services, necessitating some clarifications.

Regarding Electronic Payments (ERA), it was initially expected that CHC’s system would be back online by 3/15. However, this date specifically refers to CHC processing payments from insurance companies to practices, and not to the resumption of ERA services.

In terms of Claims Submission, the initial hope was to resume submissions by the week of 3/18. According to the latest information from CHC, this process is now expected to take several more weeks. The delay is due to the ongoing transition of enrollments to Optum?s alternative clearinghouse, extending the timeline beyond initial estimates.

Accordingly, in response to these delays, we are actively pursuing the alternative payer strategy initiated at the beginning of last week. To date, we have submitted a significant number of claims and have diligently followed up on a majority of payments. This proactive approach is aimed at mitigating the impact of the current situation.

We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.


Update – March 11, 2024

Major Update on Claims Processing

We are happy to announce a few updates to the ongoing cyberattack at Change Healthcare and subsequent effects it has had on our abilities to process claims.

Change Healthcare predicts a potential resumption of claim processing by March 18, 2024. However, as full operational capacity isn’t guaranteed by this date, they are set to launch electronic payment functionality from March 15th. This development is crucial as we await the reconnection of ERA services.

In the meantime, our team is actively pulling remittance advice through payer portals, we’ve successfully updated all payers that don’t require additional enrollments, and we are now focusing on payers needing enrollment. This effort requires gathering contact information to initiate enrollment and ensuring providers promptly receive and return the required forms.

Your cooperation in promptly returning requested forms will greatly assist in expediting this process for your practice. This effort is key to maintaining our high service standards and minimizing disruptions.

Thank you for your continued trust in ClinicMind.


Update – March 7, 2024

We are pleased to share some positive developments as we navigate through the challenges posed by the Change Healthcare/Optum outage:

  1. Efficient Claim Resubmission: We’ve successfully transitioned all claims previously on hold (Temp_Hold) due to the outage. These claims are now in the ?Valid? category and have been resubmitted wherever we?ve identified viable alternative routes.
  2. Expansive Payer Network Update: Our team has diligently updated the submission pathways for over 600 payers, ensuring that claims are processed through these new, effective channels.
  3. Ongoing Strategic Efforts: Our commitment to resolving this issue is unwavering. We are actively exploring and establishing alternative pathways for the remaining payers, ensuring a comprehensive and robust solution to this challenge.
  4. Significant Progress in Claim Submissions: Despite the unexpected outage, we’ve made remarkable progress in claim management. To date, we?ve successfully submitted 75% of the total insurance claims that were impacted by the outage.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work tirelessly to mitigate the impact of this outage. Our team is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of service and efficiency during this period. Stay tuned for further updates as we forge ahead.


Update – February 29, 2024

As we continue to navigate the ongoing system outage at Change Healthcare, we want to provide you with the latest updates and address some new questions that have arisen. We understand the challenges this situation presents and appreciate your continued patience and understanding.

Persisting Problems

  • Change Healthcare, the largest healthcare clearinghouse in the country, has been experiencing an outage since February 21, 2024. This is a nationwide issue, affecting not just our services but many others across the country.
  • Claims, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA), eligibility checks, and paper patient statements remain queued for submission as soon as Change Healthcare resolves the issue. We assure you that electronic statements are still being sent out without interruption.
  • This outage is causing delays in payment postings and our ability to follow up on claims. We are preparing for a significant backlog of claims once the problem is resolved, but rest assured, our team is ready to handle this efficiently.

New Updates

  • In response to this outage, we are actively exploring alternative solutions. We are attempting to reroute claims through different clearinghouses.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are some of my claims in ‘Temp Hold’?

A: Claims are placed in ‘Temp Hold’ as a proactive measure due to the ongoing outage at Change Healthcare. This status is applied to claims that we are currently unable to submit through the usual channels. The ‘Temp Hold’ allows us to effectively identify, manage, and prepare these claims for alternative submission methods as soon as they become available. It’s a temporary step to ensure that your claims are securely held and ready for processing, minimizing any further delays once the system issues are resolved. We are actively working to transition these claims back to their valid status within the next day or two.

Q: How are Eligibility Services affected by the Change Healthcare outage?

A: Electronic eligibility services, which are provided by Change Healthcare, are included in the disruption caused by their system outage. This means that there may be delays or temporary unavailability in verifying patient eligibility through their system. We are monitoring the situation and will provide updates as they become available.

Q: Why am I seeing payments in my bank account that are not reflected in the system?

A: The payments you are seeing in your bank account are for claims that have already been processed and paid out by the payers. These transactions are continuing as usual. However, due to the ongoing outage at Change Healthcare, there is a disruption in the transmission of Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs). Our system relies on these ERAs to post payments and generate accurate invoices. Without the ERAs, there is a temporary disconnect between the payments received in your bank account and what is currently reflected. We are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as soon as the ERAs are back online. In the meantime, please be assured that your payments are secure, and we will update the system accordingly once the ERAs are received.


You might notice payments in your bank account that are not reflected due to the ERAs not being sent. This discrepancy is because payments for claims already received by payers are still being processed.

Consequently, your invoice this month might be lower than expected, with subsequent invoices potentially being higher as we catch up with payment postings, eventually achieving balance. If you encounter any issues reconciling your accounts, please reach out to our team for assistance.

Looking Ahead

The longer this disruption continues, the greater the backlog in the queue for submission and potential rejections once service is restored. We are committed to keeping you informed and minimizing the impact on your business.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and are working tirelessly to find solutions and keep your operations running as smoothly as possible during this challenging time. For any further queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your continued trust in our services.


Update – February 25, 2024

We are writing to inform you of a significant ongoing situation that may impact our services to you. Change Healthcare, the largest healthcare clearinghouse in the country, is currently experiencing a system outage that began on February 21, 2024. This is a nationwide event affecting users across the country.

Due to this outage, there are certain temporary disruptions in our usual processes. Specifically, the submission of claims, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA), eligibility checks, and paper patient statements are currently on hold. These items are queued and will be submitted as soon as Change Healthcare resolves the issue. Please note that electronic statements are still being sent out without interruption.

This situation is leading to delays in payment postings and our ability to follow up on claims. We understand this may cause some inconvenience and we are committed to addressing these challenges as efficiently as possible.

Change Healthcare is actively working to resolve this issue and is providing regular updates. We are closely monitoring the situation and will inform you as soon as we have more information. Unfortunately, there is currently no estimated time for when the system will be fully operational again.

For the latest status updates, please visit Change Healthcare Status Page.

Once the problem is resolved, we anticipate a significant backlog of claims. We want to assure you that our team is prepared and will diligently work to process all pending items as quickly as possible.

We ask for your patience and understanding during this time. The best course of action currently is to ‘sit tight’. However, we are here to address any concerns you may have. If you have specific questions or issues, please do not hesitate to open a task with us, and we will respond as promptly as we can.

We understand the critical nature of these services to your operations and are committed to keeping you informed and minimizing the impact on your business. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this challenge together.



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