function remove_image_zoom_support() { remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_image_zoom_support', 100 );

For BPOs

If you are an RCM BPO, consider working with us.


  • Leverage ClinicMind RCM software for RCM operations
  • Daily compliance with ClinicMind BPO Key Performance Indicator (KPI) requirements
  • Potential for Value Added Reselling (VAR) rights of ClinicMind EHR software directly to the providers

You will be expected to meet our KPI standards for

  1. Billing Performance
  2. AR Followup Responsiveness

To be considered, please use this below form to submit

1. Your proposal

a. Available AR Follow-up and payment entry capacity

b. Proposed Fees – Submit your bid using one of the following methods

i. A percent of the provider’s insurance collections (Preferred method)

ii. Number of FTEs, along with individual productivity and price

2. Required Documentation

a. Years in business

b. Current client pools

i. In each medical specialty

ii. List of systems used for current clients

iii. The current insurance collections volume (at least $1M annually)

c. Current billing performance and quality

d. Work processes

Work from home or in an office

HIPAA compliance measures and processes

e. Experience in approaching and securing provider contracts autonomously