Launch Your Associates

Launch Your Associates into Instant Success and Profit! Launch Your Associates is a rare treat to learn from a man, a DC who’s been there and done that. He has launched many, many associates into profit within the first 30 days. He did that by teaching them to work exactly like he has and then to bring in new patients. His associates then open their own practices and they implement Dr. Noel Lloyd’s Launch Your Associates program.  His associates have their own associates and every one of them have been successful. Spend the next hour with Dr. Noel Lloyd and see his winning ways.  He strives to make it a win-win for everyone, just as he does with his Launch Your Associates program.  The win-win is a key point that you will see. Watch this Free Webinar to learn more from Dr. Noel Lloyd and Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately.

Why Genesis Focuses on the Patient Experience

The Patient Experience is our Focus… and here’s WHY We here at Genesis Chiropractic Software are always talking about the patient experience. In fact, we designed our software around the idea of putting the patient experience first. But, you may be wondering why it’s so important. Here’s why we focus on the patient experience and why you should too. #1 – More Choices Patients have more choices than ever before of where to spend their healthcare dollars. This means that if they don’t like the way they are treated in your practice, they have no problem finding another office. And, when they do that, you don’t just lose money, you lose the referrals that patient could have sent your way and the boost to your reputation you get from the great things patients can say about you. #2 – Consumer Awareness Along with the increased number of healthcare choices patients now have, they are also more aware of their power in the marketplace. Healthcare, chiropractic included, now has to focus on customer service in the same way other businesses do to ensure our patients feel respected and heard. After all, if the cost of treatment at your practice is the same as at the clinic down the street for the same care, the only other differentiator is the customer service you provide. #3 – Happy Patients Mean Happy Employees Good customer service and satisfied employees go hand-in-hand. After all, your staff wants to wake up each morning and feel that the job they are doing is important. They want to know that they are actually helping patients. By providing good customer service, focusing on the patient experience, and building a patient-centric practice your staff benefits too. #4 – Increased Profits When you have happy, engaged patients and a staff that loves their work, your profits go up immeasurably. In fact, Genesis Chiropractic software helps our users increase collections by 62% per visit. #5 – Patient Loyalty In the end, focusing on the patient experience boils down to one thing — patient loyalty. Patients that are happy with their care, encouraged to keep their scheduled visits, and whose billing and treatment issues are handled quickly and efficiently continue care and refer others, building your practice. For all of these reasons, Genesis Chiropractic Software is the one practice management software you can count on to put the patient experience first. With Genesis, you can rest assured that each and every interaction your patient has with your practice is handled optimally so that you build a patient relationship you can be proud of.

Your Staff Needs Single Point Management

Single Point Management: How Genesis Delivers an Exceptional Customer Experience The idea behind Single Point Management is to deliver one number at the end of the workday. In an instant, you or your staff can see if all office work has been completed or not. There is no ambiguity; it’s either 0 tasks left or it’s not. The concept of Genesis Chiropractic Software is built around the single point management platform, and as we will discuss today, has numerous direct and indirect benefits for your staff. In a standard reactive office setting, staff member hours are often wasted looking for work to complete. Usually there is little incentive to complete these lost tasks. Sometimes unfinished work, due to staff illness or vacation time, is handed off to other staff members who may not be familiar with all of the details involved. This can often lead to reduced job satisfaction and increased turnover, as well as reduced attention for incoming patients. Imagine having a system setup from the beginning that does not depend on staff wasting time looking for work to do? What if, instead of a boring routine of meetings, designed to review mistakes or issues with your staff, you had only a few meetings, mostly designed to celebrate office successes? What if you had a staff that went out of their way to give patients an amazing experience the moment they walked in the door, all because they could manage their tasks in an objective, direct manner? Imagine having a system setup from the beginning that does not depend on staff wasting time looking for work to do? ~ Dr. Brian Capra It’s not enough to have a set of loose guidelines for your staff to follow. As time goes on, people will cut certain steps out to save time, likely due to overwork. This begins to cascade as more members on staff do the same, looking for ways to be more efficient. Ultimately, you could miss critical patient data. Either way, it looks like a lack of good customer service to your patients, reducing their trust in your office. You must lay out specific tasks for each member to take, have it well documented, and then have an accountability system in place that objectively scores their process for the day. This leads not to resentment but accountability. If certain staff members are having an issue with compliance or keeping up with workloads, our single point management platform will diagnose the specific issue and allow for direct and real time action to be taken. Do you need to assign additional staff to a specific task? Are you growing quickly and need to hire additional staff? These questions can be discussed in an objective manner and steps can be taken to proactively respond to the needs of the office. All thanks to the way our Genesis Chiropractic Software was designed. For today’s chiropractic office, having a system in place that delivers efficiency and effectiveness, plus is scalable is critical to your success. It’s your staff that delivers the majority of the customer experience. Give them the tools they need to give you the advantage, and make your practice more successful.

Quantifying the Patient Experience

See how well a pro-active chiropractic practice can operate with a consistent Patient Experience. As chiropractors, we know our main goal is to continuously achieve optimal health for our patients. The core principles of this goal include imparting the philosophy behind our profession, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and giving our patients the confidence they need to believe in your services, all for the sole purpose of increasing their well-being. The question is… how can we do that consistently, without fail, every time a patient comes in to your office? How can you optimize their experience? How can you know for certain that level of achievement is assured? Practices that operate on the “management-by-fire” method, are always harping at a stressed out staff, and are never going to achieve the success they could. It governs on a reactive process, looking for the problem to correct after the fact. It doesn’t matter if it involves a patient no-show, an expired care plan, billing issues, or long waits; the outcome rarely changes because the process to prevent it is not part of the equation before the patient enters the building. Deep down, you know this is not the way to conduct your business and this is certainly NOT how high level operations work. Yet, these are all factors that can be dealt with BEFORE they become a problem. Every single one of the problems listed above have to do with the patient experience.  When you realize that it’s your responsibility to prevent them from becoming negative factors in your practice AND you have a solution to them BEFORE they become problems, then you have a pro-active practice… One that can offer a unique experience for your patients and create the successful, highly efficient practice you have always wanted. Genesis Chiropractic Software takes these seemingly minor tasks, along with numerous fully-customizable operations, (all of which are involved in the day to day management of your office), and it gives you the ability to quantify your patient’s experience. It offers the patient an optimal and seamless experience from the time they enter your facility to the time they walk out the door. You have instant feedback on where each patient is in their treatment plan, what billing concerns they may have, and any other mission critical factors that might keep them from having the best experience during their visit. The team at Genesis Chiropractic Software is here to help you see how well a pro-active chiropractic practice can operate with a consistent patient experience. By offering you a unique, fully customizable software solution geared to any size practice, you can offer your patients an optimal experience every time they visit you, increasing patient retention rates and continuing to offer them an opportunity to achieve optimal health.