How to Increase Collections for Your Chiropractic Practice

Verify insurance and increase collections with Genesis Chiropractic Software and increase profitability.


Increase Collections with Your Provider Workbench

Increase Collections from insurance companies by watching this 35 minute webinar. Learn how to increase your insurance collections by getting every claim paid in full and on-time.  Your provider workbench lists every claim that needs your attention and once you provide the missing information, they get re-submitted and get paid. It’s much easier than trying to determine what needs to be done from a list of claims in a report.

Watch the webinar immediately right on this page by filling out your name and email address.  We know it’s a lot to ask for your email address and we promise not to ever sell it to another company.

Read the transcript:

Jason: So, we’ll get started here in just a minute. During the holiday season, Jess, just to kinda kick off this conversation. I probably had more conversations with our providers, our actual customers than I had maybe the previous three or four months because we’re covering so much. And patient volumes were down, so you had time to actually look at collections. And I think most were just saying, “Oh, we’re doing fairly well. I’d just like to see if we can do better.” But then there was one provider who had a conversation with some other of his trusted peers. And they’re an in-house provider in Texas, and by in-house just for anyone listening in, I simply mean that our billing team isn’t doing the follow-up and the posting.

They’re doing that in their own office and frankly they know what they’re doing. They’re not an office that needs a lot of direction. They got some top notch people. And they were asking me, you know, about the workbench and I said, “Well, you’ve got an issue with yours and I’ll tie this into our topic here in just a second.” Their office has been so used to following up on claims a certain way that they would print lists of claims, put them on their Excel spreadsheets and then organize them how they’re used to for years and years and years. And they’ve got 20 years of experience so they knew what they were doing. And so the results were okay.

They weren’t spectacular but they were okay. And because I said to him, “Listen, I’m really worried about your collections right now because I see that your workbench claims are so high.” And he said, well, for anonymity’s sake, I’ll just call her Jessica. Jessica, you know, was on the call and said, “Oh, I just don’t do it that way.” And so today, we’re gonna talk about what way people use our system to follow-up on claims and what best practices are. Because Jessica is an expert. She’s a billing expert. She knows more than I’ll ever know about medical billing. She cared about the practice, she was engaged. Jessica was doing the right thing, it’s just that nobody knew about it.

And so I wanted to help Jessica accomplish her goals but also give the practice on her some piece of mind as to how to check up on Jessica should something go wrong. Because Jessica could win the lottery, Jessica might have to quit and move somewhere else, you know, there are lots of things that can happen. And so today, we’re gonna change our focus to not necessarily billing perforJasonce, per se, but the thing that helps you achieve billing perforJasonce and that is the tool in our system that helps identify claims that need an action. That action can vary and we’re gonna talk about what type of actions, you know, can be done.

But more importantly, what the methodology is to choose and identify those claims that need follow up. And so that’s how we’re gonna spend this first 15 to 20 minutes of today’s time together. And then after that, we’re gonna open it up to any questions that anybody has regarding this topic or any other topic. So to do that, we’re actually gonna jump right into this topic and talk about measuring. We’ve done that here before and we’re gonna start off the same way. I’m gonna blow this up, Jess, to make it really easy for our viewers/listeners, webinar participants to see this. And I’m gonna start by focusing really largely on our dashboard. We’ve gone over this before but we’re gonna focus on a few numbers.

Our 32,000 is our total outstanding accounts receivable. Those are the insurance charges that have either just been submitted or I don’t care if they were submitted ten years ago. If they still have a balance on them they’re gonna show show up here. Then we break those numbers down into buckets, 26,000, 4,600, and zero. I’ve talked about this on this program before but we like to measure how long it takes for a practice to get paid. If that practice is getting paid in 30 days, everything is great. If that practice is getting paid in 30 days, everything is great. That practice is not getting paid in 30 days and we have our 120-day bucket, meaning those charges, you know, our date of service from over 120 days ago, we get worried.

Not just a little worried, we know that the likelihood of collecting on those claims goes way, way down. So today, we’re gonna talk about how to address the total outstanding backlogs that comprises an accounts receivable of 32,419. When I was on the phone with our hypothetical, Jessica, who is a real person in Texas, I asked her the question. I wish you could have been on this phone call, it was great because her answer made a lot of sense and I’d like to move our discussion and look at those particular claims. I asked her, “Well, how do you know which claims are gonna follow up on?” She goes, “I always work the hardest ones first.” That’s surprising, right? I can see the look on your face and people listening in, why is that so surprising?

Jess: Most people go for the low hanging fruit. They go for the ones that they know they’re gonna be able to get paid on, you know, they’ll get to the harder ones when they have a chance, when all the other ones are done.

Jason: Yeah, so she’s unique, right?

Jess: Yeah.

Jason: She’s unique and this doctor said, “Yeah, we get paid from all of our payers.” I asked him the question, “Well, how do you know?” There was an awkward pause. His answer was, “because Jessica tells me, “am I right? If you’re listening to this and if you’re an office manager and you wanna prove that you know your stuff and you’re getting everything done, we can show you here today how to measure that and demonstrate your value in the practice. If you’re a practice owner and you think you have a great staff member who’s doing the right job or you’re not quite sure about it, we can show you how to measure that and see if they’re actually doing it. Or if you’re suspicious that everything in your practice isn’t happening the right way…

Jess: Try clicking on the screen first.

Jason: And we wanna make sure that you know how to measure that, and that accounts receivable over 120 days is one of your best ways. Okay? The next is your gonna head over to your workbench and provider claims. You click on this and we’re gonna go over a little bit of the anatomy right now. I always refer to Jess whenever it gets even a little technical but keeping it pretty basic right now. This is where all claims go that need the providers’ attention. That sort of spectrum of things, what type of claims, Jess, show up on this provider workbench?

Jess: Low sale claims, basically claims that there is, if something that the provider or someone at the practice need to respond to in some way. So it’s gonna be low sale claims, those are the ones that had the demographic, either weren’t entered before the claim was or just weren’t entered at all. Then you have the invalid claims, claims that have sell one or more of our validations saying that we, through our experience with submitting claims, we find that claims that are sent out like this don’t get paid. So we’re gonna warn you before you send it out, so you don’t have to wait for insurance to come back and say, “Oh, yeah, that problem that we already knew about, yeah, we’re rejecting it because of that.”

Jason: So, what happens if we don’t catch that claim before it goes out?

Jess: Well, then it goes out and then it spends time getting processed, and then eventually 30, 45 days later it finally gets rejected back. And then it has to be fixed and then it has to be resent back out to insurance to reprocess it again with the correct set up on the claim.

Jason: Bottom line, you lose 30 to 45 days.

Jess: Yeah, so we invalidate them first because we know that it’s gonna cause a problem, so they can fix it. And maybe they only lose a day, maybe it was two, as long as they work on their claim work.

Jason: So, let’s compare and contrast that already with the hypothetical Jessica I was talking to. She, every single day, ran a report of all the claims that were submitted, all of them, all claims, all outstanding claims. And in our system you can very, very easily run a report of all outstanding claims. And then she would Jasonually go through and see which ones. And she would make notations on her Excel file. If you’re using our system, you don’t have to do this and we’re gonna show you why in a second. But if you’re on this call and you’re not using our system, we typically refer to this in all the literature that we’ve read as cherry picking.

Because there’s no way you’re gonna get through the entire list. $32,000 worth of claims is less than an average practice for us. The average outstanding receivables is more than double this. It’s over $70,000 for all the practices that we have. An average claim is about $100 in charges, so we’re looking at 700 claims that somebody has to scan through and figure out which ones. So she would sort them by date of service, by submission dates, and she would figure out which ones you need to follow up on. Yeah, eventually she would get to them all, but how much time gets lost? So, we don’t wanna cherry pick anything.

So this provider workbench for the claims that Jessica was just talking about and this blue line here where these boxes represents the chronological order that claims follow from created to loaded into our system, right? The first placing is always for a load fail. Jess, so load fail is…

Jess: Claims with losing demographic information.

Jason: Just really simple. There’s no way we’re sending that to an insurance company. But how are you gonna follow up on it? How are you going to identify it? If it’s at a clearing house, right, if you’re just sending it through Gateway, you’re sending it through Change Healthcare, Emdeon, or I could keep listing, right, you’re gonna have to go in there and check. They could send you an email but email boxes get pretty full, right? Here, we wanna drive people to one place for all problems starting with your claim can’t go out the door because it’s missing demographics, right?

Then Jessica was talking about validations and for anybody who’s not in there with that particular term, we have so Jasony rules, over a million. Over a million rules that we scrub claims prior to going out. So we will lose, on the bottom line with you said that 30 to 45 days, letting the insurance company “review the claims”, knowing full well that they’ve got justifications to reject that claim and not pay it. So we’ve got to that point in our discussion here prior to submission.

We know these things need to be worked. We’re gonna send those to the provider claims workbench. This is that area where we can see by the status of the claim, there are 39 claims on here. But we can see all of the invalid claims. We don’t have to cherry pick them because these claims at this point have, Jess, what percentage chance do they have of getting paid?

Jess: Zero.

Jason: They haven’t gone anywhere.

Jess: Insurance does not know about them yet.

Jason: Insurance doesn’t know about them. So, we’re not cherry picking claims. We’re not running a report of submitted ones. Some claims that you build out went to the insurance company. The other claims that you’ve billed out were scrubbed and were flagged and they’re sitting here for you to actually work on them. We’re gonna figure out how to work on them here in a moment but they’re sitting there. So, the load failed ones are missing demographics, the invalid ones failed a test of some sort.

So, they’re invalid because there is a logic sequence in our system that scrub them and said, “Nope, you can’t go anywhere. Our experience dictates that you’re not gonna get paid on this claim. Why don’t we figure out what’s happening?” So we’ll get into a detail here and you can see that we actually color code some of these things.

This particular example that we’re looking at in green at the bottom could be a little bit challenging to read. So I will blow it up yet again. This selected payer isn’t configured to you to submit. You can’t get this one out the door because you don’t have the correct payer either selected or there is a setting problem that needs to be changed. This has to be fixed prior to going out. There’s nothing you can do. You saw the patient, you treated the patient, you decided which codes you wanna put on it. And you actually hit the bill button with the expectation that the insurance company is going to submit a payment.

This is a crucial step that we’re missing. Sometimes it takes only a second or two to fix these. Sometimes it takes a little bit more research to go through it. But here we know that there are 39 claims that need to be followed up on, otherwise they don’t have a shot of getting paid. And again, we haven’t even gotten to a claims Jasonagement in insurance company yet. So, now let’s make the assumption that we’re going to the next step, and we’ve submitted the insurance company. There are three possible outcomes.

For our entire organization, for all the providers, 71% of the time the claim just gets paid. It doesn’t fail any test, it’s not missing any demographics. It goes to the insurance company electronically and comes back with the payment and that posts in our system electronically, 71% of the time. Claims follow what I like to call the blue brick road. I’m trying to coin a phrase there, probably not gonna work.

Jess: No.

Jason: So, in that case, we got 29% of the claims on average for our practices that need to have information adjusted, changed, updated, or simply have to have an insurance company argued with that the information is correct. So, that 29% of the time is where we’re gonna spend the rest of our webinar time, because those claims are going to reject. There’s one of two ways those claims are gonna reject. One, is we’ll receive an EOB or an electronic remittance device, electronic EOB back saying it’s rejected, that’s one way. The other way is…

Jess: Nothing.

Jason: Nothing, we heard nothing back. Anybody who’s ever billed is nodding their head right now knowing that insurance companies, you know they received it. You’ve got the electronic time stamp back from the clearing house. You know they’ve got the claim, yet it’s been 40 days and you’ve got nothing back. So our system, based on our experience with most claims, will stale claims out in 38 days. We have payers that stale out sooner than that. For instance in a lot of states, BlueCross BlueShield, we stale out in 21 days. So, we know that that that stale out means you should have received any answer. The claim it’s stale because it needs to be rejected. Somebody needs to do something on this claim because you should have received an answer.

We didn’t run a report to look at it. We didn’t”and chose the wrong one, we’ll start with this one. Here is an example of an aging report in our system. I see, could you go, it probably isn’t a great way. I’ll do it by financial plats here. For your commercial insurances which represents the top line here, this particular provider, and is there a real provider in our system, we’re just not sharing any of the specific information, out of their commercial insurances has $2,936 outstanding past 120 days. That’s upsetting. It’s not like it’s State Farm, it’s not like it’s a personal injury or work Jason’s comp pay where you’re waiting on a settlement check, so it makes sense. It’s a commercial payer which typically yields faster results.

I brought this example up because this should be a red flag. This should be a red flag that there is something not going well in your office. We wanna make sure that these claims get worked. How do you do that? Rhetorical question, Jess, I know you’re starting to answer there but how do you make sure that these claims are being worked? Because there were only three possible things that would happen to a claim after it’s submitted, either it gets paid or it gets rejected, you have to make sure that the workbench is driven to zero because the system is going to identify this, it’s going to put it on a workbench and then somebody has to work it. That somebody can be on my team or the opposite team but somebody has to make sure that it’s going to get out the door.

Now, Jessica said she tackled the hardest stuff first and in her estimation, tackling her workJason’s comp and her personal injury in the state of Texas was the most challenging. She said she always did that first. She waited for BlueCross BlueShield last because it was the easiest. And when the day was long and hard and she was at the end of it, she didn’t wanna have something difficult to do, so she would do the BlueCross BlueShield at the end. In this particular case, the doctor disagreed with her completely and said, “No, you should always do the biggest stuff first.”

They sell a lot of injections there and, not sell a lot of injections, they perform a lot of injections. They bill out to the insurance company and a lot of DME and orthotics. They reimburse it, $300 to $400 and their injections reimbursed right on $1,100 to $1,200. Why wouldn’t we do it by TPT codes? So, we ran a report by TPT codes and we saw, you know, for this provider that it was really, it wasn’t that their injections or that their DME wasn’t getting paid. We saw it was their 989 codes. We saw it was their 97112 codes. We could actually see which codes were not getting paid. These reports are useful but it all boils down to they were getting miffed because the person in charge of the billing was cherry picking the claims that they were following up on.

They were doing a very good job but it was still not as thorough as it needed to be. There were still $6,000 in charges that fell through the net of a very experienced biller who had great intentions, who had the practice’s best interest at heart, but is huJason and huJasons miss things. Cherry picking claims leads to memory Jasonagement and missed claims. If we simply let the system identify those claims and put them on a workbench, we know and have a full quantification of which claims need to be followed up on. Now to the doctor’s point, well, why don’t I follow up on the biggest ones first? I’ve got an answer for that, Jess. What if somebody said you, “I wanna follow-up on the biggest claims first”? What would you tell them to do on our provider claims workbench?

Jess: Sort by the balance.

Jason: So, they would just work the biggest claims first?

Jess: If that’s what they wanna do, I’d tell them how to do it.

Jason: But our system isn’t going to, for a moment, judge one claim over another based on the size of the balance. If it’s a rejected claim that needs something to happen to it, I don’t care if that claim needs to go to a patient because our team got done posting and that provider doesn’t want to send a statement because they wanna make sure that those balances are accurate before they go out, that needs someone’s attention. Or if it’s a $6,000 DME/adjustments/injection claim, that’s a big one, it’s gonna put those right on top of one another. It’s the person responsible for these in your office drives them to zero, you’ll know that everything got done in your office that day.

Don’t cherry pick claims. Let the system identify which claims are needed to be followed up on. And I put those in a work queue that you simply can look at each day and see if it’s driven to zero. This is going to work for both the person doing it because they’ll have clarity of their own jobs saying, “Yes, everything was driven to zero. I’m done, I can go home. I can go pick my son or daughter up and take them to soccer because I’m done for today.” The practice owner can look at this number and say, “Well, it’s at zero. All of my claims got followed up on. I have a window into whether or not my collections are going to be good or bad moving forward.”

If you consistently see these numbers are high, everyone listening, you’re going to struggle because I can almost guarantee you that things are being missed. Whether or not it’s in our system, whether or not it’s somebody pulling claims outside of the system, it’s going to be missed. The workbench provides that one area where the system will identify, reject, and allow you the functionality. And that today isn’t about going into the full functionality because there is so much that you can do to fix the claim, to adjust the claim, to adjust the patient account and select all of the claims, you know, affected by a specific problem and resubmit them or get them back to your billing team for the appropriate action to take place. So you can get them back to the insurance company.

But if you break this flow of those 29% of those claims, you lose your window into how to diagnose and how to fix these problems anytime you pull them out of the system. So, the bottom line best practice is don’t pull claims out of the system. There are only three things that can happen to your claim. They get paid, you’re doing really well and that’s happening 71% at the time without anyone doing anything. Second thing is that if it gets rejected, you know it needs to be worked, you know it needs to be submitted. I don’t care if that rejection comes from the insurance company or from us saying it’s been too long.

And the third thing is, what Jess was talking about in the beginning, is claims don’t even make it to the insurance company because we know something has to be fixed on there. If you get all those things done, your likelihood of having your accounts receivable go through the roof over 120 days is much, much lower. We see this time and time again. If they stop trying to do it the way they’ve been doing it for years and years, and simply submit to a new way, we’ve seen amazing results. So, I wanna open this up for anybody who has any questions. We absolutely can chat those in because we wanna answer those questions. But that’s our presentation for today on the workbench versus reporting.

I will show just a couple other vantage points here. We have the ability to run reports to see claims that are by insurance company with what status they are. When you look at our diagram, each one of these blue boxes represents a chronological status of where the claim should be. If it goes into any one of these gaps where it gets lost, we can then run this particular report and see for a particular payer where our claims are in the process based on their data service and their bucket. Because you’ve got the, you know, $231.02 in your 30 to 60 days bucket for this particular payer that’s been accepted. Meaning that it’s still at the insurance company waiting for dollars to come back.

It helps you diagnose whether or not that’s acceptable or not. If you expect to be paid sooner than that, you can click on those claims, get a view of it, but that in no way shape or form helps you work the claims. Working the claims is done through a tool that identifies them and assigns them to the people to get done. Anything you want to throw in there, Jess?

Jess: No, I think that really covers our stance at least on ways we think they should address their workbenching. Get those claims out the door and fixed and get them paid.

Jason: And wait for the system to tell you what the next ones are. If you have a fear that claims are languishing in some unknown space that you can’t see, we have the ability right from this page to click on these numbers. Let me just get rid of that take action. You can click on these numbers, it will open up those reports and then it will allow you to go through any other slice of the data that you want to, whether or not it’s by rendering physician. Or if you’ve got multiple locations, do it by there to see, you know, if you have locations which are performing worse or better than others. But we want you to be able to both diagnose and then choose to work the claims the right way.

All right, so we’re opening up for questions. We’re opening up for questions. We very much would love to answer any questions that you have about this topic or any other topic. I know that you guys, you know, based on our conversations do a lot of specific workbench training for functionality.

Jess: Yeah. We can do the load sales and the invalids without a problem. The rejecteds…

Jason: The spectrum of…

Jess: Yeah, we can go over some specific examples, basically read out the message from insurance. We don’t give that much interpreting of that. Most of the time if, you know, for our full service clients, the team is the one reaching out for those.

Jason: Yeah.

Jess: For the in-house ones, unfortunately, a lot the rejected ones, unless the rejected reason is really straightforward, rejected claim, the next response is reaching out to the payer.

Jason: Yeah. I see with the calls that I’m a part of, right? And I typically don’t talk to clients who are super thrilled. I typically talk to clients that have problems that need solving. I mean, I roll in the organization. The only reason I mentioned that is over 50% of the time it comes down to “I don’t have somebody assigned to do this and I don’t understand why I have to have them assigned to do this.” And so it’s a fundamental approach that somebody has to shift because they’re so used to working claims from an aging report and choosing which claims are gonna work that day and having somebody else or a machine, a piece of software choose the claims is just an uncomfortable change that people have to experience. But once they do and they embrace it, you see pretty good results.

Jess: Yeah. I’ve worked with them where, you know, they haven’t been working the provider claims workbench and they finally either assign someone to do it or hire someone to do it. And it’s very daunting in the beginning when you have a large number of claims on there because they haven’t been touched in months. And, you know, you have this person who has never touched them and they’re trying to whittle the numbers down and they work a couple and then the next day even more claims show up. Very disheartening.

Jason: And you know what, I know I ran that report and was talking about the numbers in the beginning. But I was on a call with a practice this morning that had 81% clean claims. And they were asking me, “Well, how do I get that to 100?” It’s the right question to ask.

Jess: Oh, yeah, that’s always the goal.

Jason: Dr. James, he said, you know, “What percentage of your practice is personal injury?” And he goes, “Oh, like 10%, 15% of them.” He said, “Well, I think the highest we could get your claim’s percentage, meaning they’ll never go to the workbench, is probably 85% to 90% because we don’t consider personal injury claims clean because you’ve got to make sure of their notes, it’s got to be printed.” You know, huJason hands have to touch those every time. There’s typically no situations where ERA is sent, right? It’s always a paper EOB that’s sent. So, those aren’t clean claims and he goes, “So right there, it only allows us maybe 5% to 10% more. In my opinion, doctor, I think perhaps at the upper echelon of what efficiency we could achieve here.”

And he snickered and said, “We could always do better.” And I love the attitude, right? He’s a great doctor and just didn’t want to accept, but I have to have phone calls with people who are at 30% efficiency. So, if you’re a 500-visit a week practice, I mean, we’re talking about a lot of claims hitting your workbench, this will bury you. The workbench is also a place where you can sort, filter, and figure out what’s going wrong because there’s either a coding problem, an intake problem. There’s something that’s causing, there’s a root cause to your workbench problem that is most likely inherent in a poor process somewhere in the office.

And if we work together we can typically get our finger on the pulse of that and get it figured out. So, those clean claim percentages and the other ways of measuring practice efficiency are actually gonna be coming up. We’ve got two other topics planned, they’re not through February. The first week in February is monthly health checks, what should I be measuring? And the second week of February goes into once we identify which metrics you should be measuring. And it’ll probably be the first of a few weeks series is actually going into the reports in the system. You know, just maybe two or three reports each time and going through how you can look at those numbers, what they mean.

Just because we have confusion across a few of our provider networks that we work with, what means, you know, what’s a new patient? Is it the new patient the first time they’re seen? Is it the new patient when they’re created? My team is straightforward in their meeting but we wanna make sure we explain them so people understand, then we can disseminate those webinars to everyone else. But Jess, it doesn’t look like we have any type in questions today. So if that’s the case, we’ll end. So I’ll give everyone one last chance to type in a question and we’ll see what we can do to answer it. If Jess can’t answer, I typically think that the question can’t be answered.

Jess: Show how to pull PI reports.

Jason: So, there’s PI reports, Sheila, if I can call you Sheila. There’s a couple of ways of doing that, right? The first way that I always recommend people do is actually looking up billing statistics report based on claims that are under our personal injury flag. So, to do that, hit reports, billing analytics, and billing statistics. Okay?

Before I go into that, I’m going to show you the billing statistics configuration. All of these particular data points, right, the patient account, the monthly account was created all the way down to, there’s a lot of them here. I don’t know the exact number, I think it’s pushing 50 at this point of data points, represent the ways that we can group information together.

So, for instance, we could put rendering physician and primary insurance together and create a report that allows you to look at from January 1 of 2015 to December 31 of 2015, all of the claims that were created based on rendering physician and primary insurance. So, to do that, I’m not gonna show you that right now but we’re actually gonna go into that report and show you all the different ways that we can slice and dice that info. And I’m gonna just, well, I guess I can’t minimize you. But remember I’m in a demo account here so I can’t really pull up all the information. We have a PIP only flag and I know it might be hard to see on the webinar. Oh, that didn’t help me at all.

But if you can follow my mouse all the way down in the right hand corner, there’s a personal injury only button. And so everything that we run and let’s just say I’m going to run this by a particular payer for the last two years, from January 5th of 2014 to January 5th of 2015, it’s gonna bring me up all insurance visits. And again, I would imagine we’re not gonna get too much back here but it’s gonna bring back all of the visits. It’s gonna give you the primary insurance that you might see a BlueCross BlueShield right now because that could be the payer that to the insurance company, you know, it can be the secondary that they’re at. It could be they put a new one in.

But at the time it was billed, it was a personal injury claim, so you’re gonna see that there were ten different payers with a 139 visits over 21 accounts. And if you wanna actually look at any one of these so you can, you know, click on one of these and bring it up, you know, it would show you” obviously this is a fake patient right now. It would show you the date of service and you can actually click into the claim and look at it. But this allows you to measure their perforJasonce. You can also do that through an aging report. So, you can bring up in an aging report those same exact items and only look at the personal injury ones.

Is that what you were looking for, Sheila? Ways to look at both how much I billed versus how much I have outstanding? The aging report would show you the outstanding, the billing stat report would should you at the same time how much you’ve billed and what the balances are.

Any other questions? There are a lot of other ways to pull up PI information, you know. It’s just choosing the right ones. And Sheila, I’ll just throw two more seconds on to that. You know, at the end of every single month, we have a month close report where you can very easily see because we have a different code for posting personal injury payments.

You can actually bring up exactly how much was posted in any month’s timeframe for your personal injury. I just love our whole personal injury process. So, working in the account level I would like to show all of that right now but any other questions? We’ll just give it another minute in here and I’ll actually look at the screen this time.

You know, we were having our topic discussion just this morning about, you know, what should we be doing and almost universally, the feedback we’ve been getting after the webinars is, “Don’t just send me the invite for one. Please give me the whole schedule.” So we sat down this morning and scheduled out through the end of February, so when the individual invitations go out they can also forecast the topics that will be out there.

And so thank you everyone on the call for your feedback, we heard you. We sat, we had the planning meeting. We know what the topics through February will be. I’ll share those with you. And we’ll make sure that you guys can see which ones you can earmark. But keep in mind, if you miss one the replays of them will be available and they’ll be edited. All right guys, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. We appreciate you coming out and spending some time with us.


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