Chiropractic Practice Management Group Helps Doctors Outsource Their Billing

chiropractic practice management software is proactive technology

Coordinating Chiropractic Practice Management and Insurance Billing is Essential For years it has been exceptionally burdensome for chiropractors and other health care providers to handle billing effectively and economically. That side, the part that involves the business aspect, has taken a large number of resources, time and money to manage. Outsourcing chiropractic billing has become one option that many doctors have found to be helpful. Companies such as Billing Precision, which focus on helping chiropractors manage their practice, increase their productivity and earn more money, have discovered a new way to outsource that is groundbreaking. A Billing Methodology In creating a system for outsourcing that works, as it is with solving any problem, companies such as Billing Precision must first identify the problem and it’s source. Although it may be common to blame the insurance companies for problems related to claims that remain unpaid or are rejected, the fact is when it comes to chiropractic billing there are various places where the process breaks down and they are often connected with what the doctor’s office is doing. For years within the field, billing problems that originated with either the process, effort or attitude of the doctor’s office seemed endemic and needed to be cured. The specific problems being experienced by health care providers that were generated by their offices included insurance companies increasing denial rates, an ignoring of appeals and an auditing of medical notes that that resulted in requests for refunds and fines. When traced back to the chiropractor it was found that the medical office lacked a consistent and integrated billing methodology, used a billing service that did not follow through and did not identify reasons as to why their claims and bills were underpaid. Coordinated and Integrated Using the power of the Internet and computer to create a truly coordinated effort made the most sense. With that idea in mind, Billing Precision was able to develop a Web-based chiropractic practice management solution that included a highly automated and integrated system. In creating a system that would work for the provider, the company had to first understand the system being used by the payer. It is a system that would rather pay the provider less than more, that likes to hold onto provider cash and that would rather not pay at all. Knowing that, a software had to be developed that would conform to demands made by the insurance companies and a billing service had to be developed that the provider could easily maximize and that would integrate with outsourcing. Results Oriented With a commitment to being results oriented, the new billing system focused on reducing and eliminating as much as possible five primary strategies used by insurance companies. The insurance companies: 1. Created complexity and use new reasons for claim denials, which would increase doctor’s billing service costs. 2. Worked towards reducing fees allowed. 3. Consolidated the insurance industry to give them heightened leverage. 4. Underpaid claims as much as possible. 5. Returned claims for after-payment audits, which would result in a demand for refund and an imposing of fines. The decision to create a results oriented billing system with coordinated outsourcing defines exactly what a successful chiropractic practice management group like Billing Precision had to do to help remove the veil of contradictions and confusion with which practitioners were dealing. Increased Productivity The area of specialist in medical management and billing has been redefined by companies like Billing Precision. Making the medical practitioner’s job more productive by offering a real solution to a challenging problem. As the industry continues to develop and change, chiropractic practice management software and outsource providers will need to alter their programs and services in order to stay competitive. You are currently on the blog of Genesis Chiropractic Software, which is a product of Billing Precision, LLC.

Chiropractic Billing Software from Billing Precision

Grow your practice with Genesis Chiropractic Billing Software.

The Genesis Chiropractic Billing Software was made by a Chiropractor for Chiropractors. Billing Precision and Dr. Brian Capra have invented Chiropractic Billing Software that also helps Chiropractors manage their practices from top to bottom. The practice management features a task management system so your staff never looks for work to do. The software finds the work needing to be done and it assigns the task to the right person to handle it. View the video for more information. The Chiropractic Billing Software has been re-branded as Genesis Chiropractic Software.      

Is Your Billing CA Running You?

manage your staff with a task.

  She pulled the X-ray from the viewbox and shook her head in disgust. One more time, and it’s over, she thought. One more personal call, one more rude comment to a patient, one more complaint and he’s gone. She was tired and frustrated, and her CA was gnawing at her last nerve. Oh well, leadership camp was 1 week away, and she was looking forward to a weekend with her mentor and the other doctors, honing their leadership skills. “He” was her first hire. A CA from another chiropractic office that was a brilliant biller and great with patients, that is until he started working for her. Somehow, the last few months have become worse and worse, but she found it hard to imagine actually firing him. Initially, he had been a great CA. He put together everything from her superbill to the computers in the office. He was a puppet master with technology. He even set up a server — she didn’t know what it did — but he insisted it was of the utmost importance. Now, he worked less and less, came late, left early, and never stopped complaining. She had to hire additional staff as he became less productive and her practice grew, but he didn’t seem concerned. He liked the other staff members, and they liked him. They were often chatting together at the water cooler, wasting precious time, while she worked fervently trying to keep the practice together. She would fire him in a second, if she wasn’t so terrified of running the office on her own. Her decision to hire a billing service with an integrated system happened suddenly. She had heard about the service from her mentor, and it seemed an answer to her problems. No servers, no software, and no superbills. She could get back to practicing chiropractic without worrying about what would happen if he suddenly decided to find another job. She had waited two days before announcing it to the staff. He waited exactly 30 seconds before lodging his first complaint. “This is ridiculous!” he told her. “Our software is faster and better than theirs. Our billers are better trained than their staff. You can’t even make labels with it. How are we going to send patient statements?” It was Friday, and her mind was already on camp. “We’ll talk about it next week,” she said, and opened the door to leave, hoping he would leave the office with her. At camp, she brought up the issue with her mentor. Her mentor explained how he had faced the same resistance from his staff and how he dealt with it. She was determined to start fresh on Monday. “I have made the decision to implement a billing service with an integrated practice management system,” she began firmly. This was her first staff meeting in months. Everyone just looked blankly. “It will be a big change. One of our biggest changes. Change is uncomfortable. We all know that. This change will be painful.. very painful. We’re all going to have to learn a new system at the same time as we enter lots of patient information, set up care plans, and upload X-ray images. Before we start, I need to know that everyone is with me. One hundred percent.” His shocked look changed to a frown. She had to stand firm. “Anyone who doesn’t feel like this is the right decision and is not going to support me 100% can leave now.” She dared them. They just stood, thunderstruck. She plowed on. “I expect full cooperation. I expect you to come in early and put in late hours. And most of all, I expect you to maintain a positive attitude. Two hundred practices have already done what we’re about to do. Most have survived. Those that failed, failed because they didn’t have their staff’s full cooperation.” “That is not going to happen here. We are going to band together and make this work. I’m going to ask one more time if anyone wants out. The door is behind you.” Silence. “OK. The first step is to sign on to the system and start watching the training videos. There are 12 videos. Each is about 1 hour long. There’s a test at the end of each one.” “How will we do that while trying to handle patients?” It was his first question. “We watch the videos during breaks, and before and after adjusting hours. Any other questions? Look. I know you’re concerned. I feel that this is the best decision we can make for the good of this practice and other practices as well. I need your help. Will you help me get this done?” “I will.” her CA said. She looked surprised as he uttered those words. He was the last one she expected them from. One by one, they all pledged cooperation and filed out to get started. He stayed behind. She looked at him quizzically, then left the room to adjust patients. Her mentor smiled as she narrated the story to him. “I guess he just needed direction,” he said. Perhaps they all need direction.