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Third Party Apps

Many third party apps vendors are integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Third Party Apps are integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software. Third Party Apps have been added within the Genesis Chiropractic Software.  These applications add new functionality inside of Genesis and they will make your work life easier. These applications help with your required documentation and they can remind your patients about their appointments to eliminate a forgetful patient who would otherwise be a no show. Another makes it easy to prescribe an exercise program to your patients and another to take credit cards securely right inside your patient’s account. Watch this Free Webinar to find out more from Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately below. Read the transcript: All right, so my name is Jason Barnes. I have been working here at Genesis Chiropractic Software for seven years. I’m the chief operations officer here, and I look forward to our semi-regular webinars that we put on. This particular topic can be a touchy one, you know, you see on the screen here, “Why does my EHR not have everything that I want?” And so I wanna set this up. We set this out with a pretty specific set of instructions. Come learn how the Genesis Chiropractic Software platform helps you accomplish all the things that you’re looking for, but make no mistake about it, we’re not good at everything, and we know that. And we don’t wanna pretend to be all things to all people when we know we’re gonna fall flat on that. And so today we want to explore how it is that we partner up with other people to solve your problems, like great merchant services, great reminder services, patient education. But then we actually bring you even more than that, things from doctors, programs from doctors that we simply, first of all, we didn’t think of, second of all, we don’t know how to coach it better than they do, and they wanna have a platform that they can help others take advantage of it without having to create their own platforms. So we’re gonna get into those services today, how we go about choosing them and then furthermore how we go about implementing them into your office to make life easier. And we’ll pretty much end up with, if there’s something out there that you think will make not just your office run more smoothly or more efficiently but chiropractic, the mission of saving lives in the world today better for others, we would love to hear about it. So let’s continue. So this platform, it’s billed, web-based, we can integrate with a lot of people. We’ve got billing documentation scheduling, but we know it’s not enough. We know that you need other things, and so we know that there’s no two chiropractors out there that practice exactly alike. And so to be all things to all people is something that we’ve always known that we’ll fall short on, and so we wanna get into how do we address that. So what is it that we are looking for? What is the best? Well, if you look at your practice in terms of revenue, retention, and compliance, right? How do you generate revenue? Well, everyone thinks new patients, we know new patients are important, but we know that retaining patients and then getting your billing through the door, making sure that every visit gets paid the right amount and that all visits get paid is the full complement of that equation. And so how do we make sure that that happens? Well, with so much of these services being cash, or self-pay as a better way of putting that, we need to make sure that we know what the best options in the marketplace are for merchant services, for getting your claims to personal injury, processors, GEICO, you know, employment boards. We have to make sure that we know what the best options are in the marketplace to help you with all three of those things, but making sure that you have the ability to actually manage those is what our platform really does. So if you’ve got a good merchant service, like a good credit card processor, that offers a really good rate, is that all you should look at? When it comes to smart business decisions, a low rate sounds great, but can you manage it? Do you know which patients have to pay, when, and how to apply those payments to patient visits? So we’re gonna actually get into that. How do we figure out what the best options are in the marketplace? The easy answer to that question is you. Our clients, those experts in the industry who are running high-volume, high-efficiency practices, you tell us what they are. We do a lot of research. We go to those vendors. We work with our clients in making sure that we are choosing to put our time, energy, and resources into an integration with somebody who has not only your best interest at heart but a scalable solution. We integrate with those solutions, and those integrations are expensive. They require a lot of time, energy, and effort, and so we’re gonna get into that a little bit today as well. Then the biggest thing that we look for when we’re looking to integrate with a third-party software to help you with revenue, retention, and compliance is we know the marketplace is going to change. We know that your patient base can shift. We know that legislation can come out, like the Affordable Care Act, which really raises deductibles and makes more and more of your patients let’s just say self-pay than insurance patients, and your focus would need to shift. We need to make sure we work with vendors who can adapt to the changing marketplace, and so the last thing we look at whenever we’re choosing somebody to partner up with is, is this a company that is flexible? Is this an organization

The Patient Experience Pioneer

What Sets Genesis Chiropractic Software Apart? The Patient Experience. Yes, choosing the right software to manage your Chiropractic practice is a vital step in ensuring your office runs more easily and efficiently, but it’s even more than that.  Here at Genesis Chiropractic Software, it’s also about the patient experience.  You’ve probably heard more talk these days about patient engagement but the truth is, at Genesis, we’ve been working on the patient experience and patient engagement from the very beginning.  Genesis is the pioneer in the field.  In fact, our software is designed specifically to ensure that the patient experience is not just good, but the best possible in each and every patient encounter. Genesis is more than an electronic health record.  It’s far more than a software to improve your billing.  Genesis Chiropractic software was built from the ground up to model the software used by Fortune 500 companies to enhance their customer experience. You see, these companies have the data, the money, and the technology to analyze each and every piece of the customer experience.  They break it down to its components and discover what works and what doesn’t so that good results are not just understood, they are repeatable. Prior to Genesis, the type of software that these multi-billion dollar companies use was not available to Chiropractic practices.  After all, what Chiropractic office has the type of resources available to companies like Amazon or the Ritz-Carlton? But, we at Genesis had a mission… a mission to bring this Fortune 500 technology to Chiropractors… a mission to apply this technology to the patient experience and optimize it in the same way the big boys were using to optimize the customer experience.  The result was Genesis Chiropractic Software. Unlike other software that just functions as an EHR or billing system, Genesis goes a step further – a big step further.  Genesis uses the technology that companies like Amazon depend on and breaks down every task that must be completed in your office to ensure that every single patient receives the optimal patient experience. From greeting a patient to scheduling appointments, making follow-up calls, performing re-exams, and more, the system assigns each task to the person in the practice best equipped to handle it.  Even better, with one glance, it allows you to see how many necessary tasks have been completed and even more importantly, how many have not.  You know in real-time what must be done to ensure your patients receive the best care possible.  And, you can see if there are any “mission critical” points to handle to make sure patients don’t drop out of care. Genesis Chiropractic Software’s focus on the patient experience sets us apart.  Don’t settle for just another EHR.  Put our Fortune 500 technology to work in your practice, gain visibility into your practice’s success, and enhance your patients’ experience with Genesis today.  

Compliance Worries Eliminated

Eliminating Compliance Worries was Key for this High-Volume Practice Genesis Chiropractic Software offers today’s Chiropractic office a dramatic edge in in compliance. In 10-15 seconds, this no-read, no-write, touch screen system allows you to spend more time with your patients and reduce any worries about compliance and audit risk. Today’s feature article is about a doctor who operates a high-volume practice and was tired of worrying about compliance issues as his practice grew. Dr. Tony Nalda, D.C. at Celebration Family Chiropractic in Florida, had real concerns about patient compliant documentation.  As his practice grew to over 1500 patients a week. He was having a hard time with other EHR systems and needed a find a way to both manage his patient care and eliminate the worries about patient compliant documentation that comes with a high-volume practice like his. When he found Genesis Software, he knew he had found his solution. “I never really had a system where I could actually change notes and update them directly,” says Tony. “It’s not only helped me to stay compliant but I’ve stopped worrying at night while I sleep whether or not the documentation is right, because I am able to do it in real-time. It’s amazingly complete.” Dr. Nalda’s practice is a blend of cash, insurance, and personal injury, and as such, he worried about being able to maintain the level of compliance needed to continue his success. But, Billing Precision’s  Genesis Chiropractic Software is designed to maximize efficiency while maintaining compliance standards. Automatic compliance alerts embedded in the Genesis Chiropractic Software ensures that you are aware of potential compliance risks. “The documentation has been amazing for me and my practice and allowed me to stay on top of things, where I really had a hard time with other systems I was using previously.” Genesis Chiropractic Software excels where other systems fail because it becomes infinitely more valuable as your practice grows. By using Genesis software, your practice will see increased patient revenue, retention, and compliance. And, your practice can continue to operate in any configuration, whether as a cash, insurance, and/ or personal injury. No matter what size of practice you have, Genesis Software for Chiropractors gives clients all the tools they need to stay compliant and sleep easy knowing you are using the best system available to give your patients the care they deserve. Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve the confidence and peace of mind that comes with Billing Precision and Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Patient Portal

Patient portal intake form.

See the Patient Portal within Genesis Chiropractic Software A new Patient Portal has been created within Genesis Chiropractic Software.  Your patients will be able to fill out their intake forms online at home or online at a kiosk at your office.  You’ll also be able to exchange secure messages with them within the Genesis secure software system. This Patient Portal is a much better way to do it versus PDF forms that your patients print out and then fill out.  The paper forms still have to be typed into patient demographic forms in the Genesis Chiropractic software, so filling out the paper forms ahead of time saves the patient time but not your staff. A better way to do this is to have your patient type their demographic information directly into the Genesis Patient Portal forms.  This will save a lot of time for your staff and it will keep them from making  typo mistakes while rushing to get it done. Watch this Free Webinar to find out more from Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately below. Read the transcript: All right, we seem to be matching the number of web and audio participants which is typically the sign to get started. So, if anyone does have any questions, feel free to chat me. It will actually tell me during the presentation whether or not somebody has a question at an appropriate moment for a pause. We’ll pause, we’ll take the question, and make sure you’re able to get the information that you need today. As always, at the end we’ll stop and open up for questioning about this topic, but I usually like to stick around for a couple minutes and people can pretty much ask any question they want about any topic that, if I can answer, I’ll be happy to. Introducing myself. My name is Jason Barnes. I’m the Chief Operations Officer here at Genesis Chiropractic Software. Every couple of weeks, we get on here and we do a presentation about a new feature or some feature that we had around for a while that maybe we made it a tweak to. But oftentimes, it’s about helping you solve a problem in your practice or that could be affecting your practice so that, you know, when it does happen to you, you know how to take advantage of something that we already offer. And today, we’re actually going to keep it pretty simple, introducing a patient portal. Now, this technology that we’ve been rolling out over the last couple of months here is finally ready to be used, and what we’re excited about today is how to help you do basically two things, how to help patients fill out documentation at home and how to continue to stay qualified for Meaningful Use should you need to. And in addition to that, there’s some information that patients can utilize within the patient portal, send messages, you can send messages back to them so that you can stay in contact with them outside of text alerts, etc. So today we’re actually going to start off with going to the link that I had set up in my email, and we’re gonna work backwards for today. So, working backwards for today, we’re gonna start off with the email that sent. We’re gonna click on that, and we’re gonna show you what the patient is seeing first and foremost of all. Now, there’s two different types of links that you can send here, and we’re gonna show both of them. So, for those practices who want to qualify for Meaningful Use and for those practices who have made a decision that that’s not for them, Meaningful Use being the incentive program that started out for the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare. We are in Stage Three or Phase Three of that right now, and so we’re gonna go to that. And we’re also gonna show you what this looks like for patients who are not doing that. So we’re gonna give you both vantage points today. So, giving you an idea of what it is that your patients are going to be able to see. If you’re sending this to a patient for the first time, there’s not gonna be much of a summary. But if you look at this from the patient’s point of view, how does that patient become a patient, whether at their screening, whether or not they heard an advertisement, or if they walked into your office? How do you get a patient to give you their information and fill out the information that you need to get? It’s going to be through their email that you’re going to get them a link to the Genesis system that will give them access to your particular portal, meaning their portal within the Genesis system. So they’re first gonna get a summary. That summary is gonna have a table of contents which has to do with a few different things…I’m gonna blow this up here, what kind of problems that they had, what kind of medications alerts, what sort of immunizations they’ve had, if any, which are taken from histories. This next one is an XML file. That is a Center for Medicaid and Medicare requirement that you have to have an XML file, should this patient need to take a file such as this and go to Medicare or Medicaid’s website and actually upload it. But more importantly, if you are hooked up with one of our software platforms such as 3RX or MyRxx which are some of those platforms that we offer…this is a just a sample of them. We offer more on this, that offer at-home exercises, ways to remind patients of what their stretches, or their homework is. We actually have those in the patient portal, as well, integrated. Obviously, you wouldn’t see more than one in your patient portal, should you do that. But