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Billing Depot has recovered over $32,000 on a single but repeated Aetna’s underpayment error, going back as far as 2003,” says Elliot Smith, Practice Administrator of Heart Specialists of Central Jersey, LLP.

“Our practice has seen revenue increases on multiple occasions, each time because of superb Billing Depot technology and disciplined followup and appeal processes.” says Elliot Smith, Practice Administrator of Heart Specialists of Central Jersey, LLP.

“Medical billing has evolved into a complex game, requiring doctors to navigate the payers’ playing field, subject to shrinking rates and increased scrutiny,” wrote Charles M. Moss, MD and President of Medical Society of New Jersey, in his recent letter to the members of MSNJ. “Billing Depot, a Gold Partner of MSNJ, has demonstrated an unparalleled ability to increase an average physician’s cash flow.”

Billing Depot uses Vericle billing engine to analyze reimbursements, compare payment to charges and expectations, and track followup and denial appeal process.

“Aetna’s underpayment for 78480 because of a bundling error was discovered by Vericle using its standard payment analysis procedure,” says Erez Lirov, Chief Operating Officer at Billing Depot. “By consolidating operations for hundreds of separate billing services, Vericle tracks payer performance from a single point of control. Every time we solve a billing problem for one of our clients, we encode the newly gained knowledge in Vericle. Sharing billing and compliance expertise in a central billing knowledge base benefits every one of our clients.”