Revenue | Committing to a Software Solution

Genesis Chiropractic Software incorporates metrics on a graph to prove effective billing solution


Much Ado About Data

Committing to a Software Solution

Can Dr. Ben move past being overwhelmed by data and commit to Genesis?

As he made his way into work on Monday, Ben was preparing himself to take the next step in his Genesis journey. He knew that the software was going to help in innumerable ways, from records management, to tracking insurance payments, to helping to get patients reinvested in their own care plans. But with reports come data – a TON of data – and what on earth were he and Luisa going to do with all of those numbers?

“Good morning Luisa,” Ben said as he entered the office.

“Hello Dr. Ben – how was your weekend?” asked Luisa.

“It was great,” Ben answered. “Carmen and I tried out the new downtown Indian buffet. It’s really good – and I even have leftovers to enjoy for lunch today!”

“Hopefully Jonathan found something he liked to eat, too,” said Luisa. She stopped for a minute, then continued, “So… have you given any thought to moving forward on Genesis?”

Ben sighed. It was going to be difficult to put this off for any longer. “I know, I know, we shouldn’t wait any longer,” he said. “Before we get started, I’m going to call our coach, Charlie, and ask her a few questions.”

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do,” said Luisa.

Ben placed his lunch in the refrigerator and then went into his office, closing the door. He stared at the phone for a minute and then laughed at himself. Boy, change can really be hard, he thought. He picked up the phone and, within a minute, he was connected with his Genesis coach, Charlie.

“How are things going, Dr. Ben?” Charlie asked.

“Well, we’re doing fine but … I have to admit, we understand that this software is going to help us manage the office more professionally and efficiently but we’re having trouble taking that last big step and rolling it out,” Ben admitted.

“Oh, you’re not alone,” Charlie said. “Ask me anything – we’re here to help!”

“I guess we’re overwhelmed by all the data,” said Ben. “Neither Luisa nor I are number crunchers, and the reports can get so complex. How can we be sure that this is going to help us, rather than adding to our already busy workdays?”

“One of the wonderful things about the billing stats report is that it will help you to create consistent, repeatable processes for collecting patient information and assessing billing performance,” Charlie said. “It might be daunting looking at the possibilities from the outside in, but once you’ve got things set up, it will actually help you to get a handle on your office cash flow and more easily identify where – and why – things are being held up in the reimbursements pipeline.”

He continued, “Have you ever looked at your revenue stream over a period of a few months and seen a decline, and panicked? With the billing stats report, instead of trying to go patient by patient, week by week, month by month, and guess what the problems are, you can actually run reports with up to 45 different parameters and pinpoint where exactly in the process things are breaking.”

“I don’t see how that is possible,” protested Ben.

“Let me put it this way: you can run a 60-day report and get a breakdown of the status of each claim,” said Charlie. “If the claim is not at the insurance company, then you’ll be able to figure out if you’ve got an intake problem, if your claims are going out in a timely fashion, or if there are issues with the information you’re sending out with the claim. You can also look at which CPT codes are getting paid or underpaid. With the power of accurate statistics, you can have the right conversations with front desk staff, your office manager and billers.”

“What’s also great is that with the radar chart, you can set parameters for your practice,” Charlie continued. “If you get to a point where everything is within the parameters you’ve set, then you will render the billing stats report unnecessary. That’s a terrific thing about Genesis – we help you achieve best practices in your office management so that you can be in control of your practice and focus more on your patients.”

“That’s exactly what we want,” said Ben. “I don’t know anyone who went into medicine so that they could spend most of their day staring at a computer screen!”

“But do you want to hear the most wonderful thing of all about Genesis?” Charlie asked.

“Of course,” said Ben.

“Whenever you have a question, a concern or simply want to talk through some numbers that don’t seem to make sense, you can call me,” Charlie said. “We are committed to being here when you need us.”

“Well, that is the most wonderful thing I’ve heard all day!” laughed Ben. “I can’t thank you enough for your time today.”

After a few more minutes of small talk, Ben emerged from his office and walked toward Luisa, who knew just by looking at him that change was afoot.

“That must have been some phone call,” said Luisa.

“It was,” smiled Ben. “I think we’re ready to begin our Genesis adventure – together!”

Is Dr. Ben ready for launch?

Disclaimer: For HIPAA compliance, all characters appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons or actual events is purely coincidental.

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3 Responses

  1. Starting an entirely new way to run your office and think about your business is extremely daunting. There’s no denying that. But in the long run if you want to spend more time with your patients, earn more money, have greater retention and have peace of mind that you have an entire team standing behind you then this is the RIGHT solution for you.

  2. Before I joined the Vericle team as a coach, Like Luisa I had to back track and search for errors manually. Not only is this very frustrating but extremely time consuming. My greatest enjoyment as a coach is when I’m able to empower a practice owner or office manager with the tools within Vericle to make his or her job easier, so they can focus on patients. As Charlie noted the Practice Health Monitor at a glance gives the office on overview of how they are performing, billing stat reports can be customized, payer allowed report for catching any insurance underpayments, Patient Relationship Monitor for reduction of patient attrition. There are so many features and report that assist with practice growth and profitability; it would take me days to go
    through them all. Each month I meet with my practice’s to drill into what important to them, so I can better assist with their growth.

  3. While making a major change can be scary you don’t have to go it alone with Genesis. You will have a Coach and the entire Genesis team who is with you every step of the way guiding you and making sure that you are not alone on the island.