Grow Your Practice with Additional Specialties

multiple specialties in your practice management software

Creating Multiple Specialty practices is the wave of the future!

Multiple specialties added to your Practice need only one software solution to serve their entire operation. It’s much better and much easier to implement than trying to make various systems cooperate nicely together.

Did you know that 25% of our new clients have Multi-Specialties in their Practice? They needed a single software solution to serve their entire organization. They found it. Imagine a single software system that handles scheduling, documentation, billing, reporting and management for as many professionals that you may have.

Now imagine your practice growing by adding partners from other specialties. You could combine forces and save resources, plus keep track of everything and everybody with an online solution that you can access from anywhere.

The Genesis Chiropractic Software is proactive, not reactive. What does that mean? Artificial Intelligence is built into Genesis and it looks for problems with your entire operation. If a problem is found, Genesis creates a task for the proper employee to address the problem. This is a much better solution than management by fire because the fire is eliminated.

Learn how with the free webinar that can be viewed right on this page.

Read the transcript:

Jason: Okay then, we’re going to get started. I do notice that we have at least one person who is on the audio portion who is not on the web portion. To go to the web portion, use the same code of 8450112 and you go to and put it in there for the participant code. And, other than that, we can see that most people are on. And so, allow me a moment to introduce today’s topic, well, actually right after I introduce Jessica Pancoast who is the head of our help desk and our training teams. And we’ve been on these webinars now for, I think, right around six months, talking about various ways that practices can become more efficient. A lot of times we’re going over features that people didn’t know exist or, you know, more complex features like care plans that perhaps people aren’t using correctly.

And we’ve got some pretty good feedback that, I remember from last week, “I didn’t know this existed” “This is so much easier”. And that sort of stuff is certainly very satisfying and we’re out there to help in any way that we can. Today is a little different in terms of showing you specific features because today we’re talking about features in Vericle that span the entire patient life cycle, all of management. Today’s topic is, you know, what is it that Vericle can support? And we’ve had some practices who have worked with us over the last five or six years to develop a lot of our features and the different tools within Vericle to actually accommodate practices that want to become multidisciplinary and have more than one specialty built, scheduled, and utilized within their practice.

And we even had a couple of practices that left us. And, you know, upon their exit interview, we would ask them, “Hey, why are you going?” “Well, I didn’t realize that you guys could handle my MD, my PT, my weight loss and my chiropractic.” And, you know, it’s a little unfortunate in some of the times because they already, you know, just signed contracts and dropped dollars on new systems. But today, we wanna make sure that everybody knows that we can support you and what it is that we’ve done to make supporting you a little bit more realistic. And so, Jessica and I, today, will go over the finer points of that.

And so, if you are out there considering ways to drive more revenue, retain more patients, oftentimes, you’ll see that offering more services can be the best way to do that. But you wanna make sure you have a platform that will actually support that. And so, today, we’re actually gonna go over that, not necessarily top from bottom but the key features. So, this had been outlined on all the things that we’re gonna go over. First of all, from a high level, what problems do people who want to integrate other specialties in their practice, you know, experience? What do they encounter? This is by no means a comprehensive list but even in discussing it with some of my colleagues, you know, you can put a lot more on this list but here are some of the big ones.

Then we’re gonna go through how we address those from the following standpoints, scheduling, documentation, billing, reporting and management. So, let’s dive right into the problems. We’ve put a list of eight here. And these problems are…I’ll just come out and apologize for being a broken record upfront, Jess. A lot of these problems have to do with the way that either other systems, or even our current clients, wanna utilize a single patient account. There’s a lot of different ways that we can go about this and two of the biggest problems that we encounter are multiple patient accounts versus single patient accounts. And so, how are you gonna keep it all straight?

We know that…we’ve got friends who use other very popular systems that have multiple patient accounts. Patient walks through the door and wants to know what their balance is. If you’ve got multiple patient accounts, rhetorical question time, how do you get them an accurate balance quickly and efficiently and accurately? How do you post payments on one account versus another? Jess, I’m almost certain you don’t wanna run four credit card transactions for that person that day, do you?

Jessica: No, not at all.

Jason: Not at all. And as a patient, they typically aren’t excited about that either. So, we’re actually gonna touch on this and every single aspect. Because a lot of times you don’t think about how another system will be able to support multiple disciplines, and a lot of them recommend multiple patient accounts, and I wanna be able to make sure we understand that. Documenting, how do you make sure that you keep your documentation straight between all the different specialties? You know, let’s just say your massage doesn’t need to have day to day documentation for all of their patients but for some of them that you’re billing through insurance, you do.

How do you keep the chiro notes separate from your MD or nurse practitioner notes? Sure, everyone will wanna show you that. The next one, shared subjective. If each person has to ask a patient on that initial eval, why they’re there today, you can do a lot to damage the initial experience that that patient has at your clinic. And so, we wanna make sure you understand that we are not just looking at this from, “Hey, we can help you to make more money.” If you don’t take into consideration that patient experience, you’re not gonna be able to retain that patient either and everyone loses. When somebody has to reschedule or misses an event, how do you manage all of those scheduling events?

We take that into consideration for your front desk and office management staff. And so, we wanna show you how Vericle would go about answering those questions. Care plans, this is a big one. Up to date and only recently, Jess, I think you might be a little bit more well versed in this than I, you can only have one active care plan. And how on earth are you gonna manage four specialties with the potential of four care plans. So, we wanna show you, to a certain extent, how you can manage that with your patients and make sure that all of your clinicians have the ability to implement schedules and ultimately charge the patient the right amount. The billing, we got lots of questions.

I’m gonna be billing out under one tax ID number, three, four, sometimes five dates of service under the same day, how am I gonna avoid bundling claims? How am I gonna keep them all straight? And here, I’m actually really excited to show people about what it is that we can do to help them with that. And if you’ve got, let’s just say multiple patient accounts, how do you track new patients? How do you track a no show? Somebody doesn’t show up to one of your visits, you’re gonna have four visits. How are you gonna use reporting versus other tools that we’re gonna show you today to manage that? And so, these big problems are things that we’ve had practices voice to us over the last six years and say, “I can’t use another system because of this”.

And the last one, the insurance verifications and authorizations. Not necessarily I’ve heard something that didn’t go well in another system but just recently, we added functionality where we can actually show you, you can add multiple referrals in-office now to accommodate multiple specialties. So, this is a portion of what we’ve done to help address the major problems of practices have brought to us. So, to break this one down in scheduling and again, the broken record part of me. For years, clinicians would be creating multiple accounts for a patient that would, you know, come in for their physical therapy versus their chiropractic versus their, you know, nurse practitioner who wanted to give them some trigger point injections. These problems can be really hard because now your front desk has to make sure that they’re choosing the right patient account.

Jessica: I’ve had many practices reach out and say, you know, that they are using the multipoint accounts and they say, “Oh, I filled this one in the wrong one. How do I move it over?” And it’s just some manual process, basically re-billing the claims on the correct account and moving over the money.

Jason: Sure. And so, that part’s tedious, being kind, right? But we had to make changes in our system to help you, as the practice owner or the front desk person or the office manager utilize a single patient account. So, we had to go back and decode and actually make changes that would allow you to do this. And those changes for scheduling were minimal. It didn’t have to do much there but to allow you to use one patient account, we had to make sure that we’re able to track things. We’re able to have a documentation thread for multiple specialties actually work under a single patient account. So, we’ll tie all these back in together in a few minutes.

Appointments that needed to be rescheduled, I actually found this pretty cumbersome. Let’s just say Jessica was a patient and who got a flat tire or whose child had to be picked up from school early. They call up, they’re respectful of your time and your cancellation policy, but they didn’t have a choice in the matter. The tire is flat or the kid needs to be picked up, there’s nothing you can do about it. They would call up and say, “Can I come in two hours later?” Now, your front desk person would have to go in and change each appointment, not anymore. Now we can show you actually how you can go in and reschedule one of those appointments and then choose a button to reschedule both the same appointments within that block and move them all either two hours later or till tomorrow or till Thursday, whatever day that you want to put those on. It sounds like a minor change but no-shows happen, reschedules happen. And if you have to spend more time, all of those clicks add up and they make for frustrated staff and for a larger likelihood of errors. All right.

The check-in kiosk, that’s a big one, that allow somebody to check in for all their visits as opposed to just one. That’s a new change, that’s not too recent though, is it?

Jessica: Well, we used to allow them to check them all in. But it was a setting kind of on the backend, they couldn’t see it. Now, we list out all the appointments. They can either click the all button which will just check them all in or if, you know, they only have time to do one of their appointments today, they do have to cancel the other one, they can specifically check in for one of the appointments.

Jason: I can’t stay for an hour and a half today, I’ve got to leave after an hour please.


Jessica: Right. Something came up, I can’t stay. I do need to cancel that second one but I can check in for that first visit. So, now we list, on the check-in kiosk, we put their name and we put the appointment type and they can choose which ones or all to check in.

Jason: Perfect. So, again, the one schedule listing all appointments regardless of type, I didn’t actually add this one, Jess. Is this where we have a clinician, that clinician has a schedule, you put that patient on the clinician’s schedule and then you have another clinician that they’re scheduled with. Are you able to combine all of those under one view now?

Jessica: So, on a patient account, on the Sched [SP] tab in the patient account, it lists all their appointments and the clinician they’re scheduled with. Also, if they print out their patient’s calendar often up the top where they can click and get calendar view of all their appointments. And they’re all listed on one calendar that one list depending on how you want to print it out rather than multiple.

Jason: Awesome, perfect. And then in the end here, I simply reiterated the problems of having multiple patient accounts. And I put it under scheduling even though it spanned a couple of different topics here. If somebody walks through your door, it’s pretty reasonable that they’re gonna ask you, “Hey, what’s my balance?” With a single patient account, and I’m happy to demonstrate this in a couple of minutes, you’ll simply bring up their patient statement. Anything that’s a patient’s responsibility at that point will be there and showing them that balance is fairly straightforward. If you have multiple patient accounts, you’ve got to then start to search and you’re gonna have to manually add those up.

And I would seriously urge anybody considering to use any other systems to ask these questions during any sort of demonstration phase, and the answers are startling. So, I put staff problems here as the second one. Your staff is gonna make an error. It doesn’t mean that they’re not committed, it doesn’t mean they’re not trying really hard. But if anyone’s ever worked at front desk, and I have, you know how busy it gets up there. They’re going to choose the wrong patient at some point. There’s only one patient to choose from, this simply…the likelihood goes down quite a bit. And again, balancing those accounts, patient comes in, runs a credit card on one account for $200 and now you’ve got to reverse out some of the money on one account and put it over to other accounts. I have two unfortunate words for you in there of a sarcastic nature, good luck. It’s a real challenge to do that. And one thing is, on patient reminders right now are still something that we’re ironing out on our end. I just thought I would bring that up in a real straightforward way. We don’t have the ability, right now, to send out just one reminder for the four visits. It’s something that our development team is actively working on right now. So, keep that in mind that it’s something that, I would say is not perfected.

Jessica: Right. It only works if they always have the same appointments and one of them is always first. You can turn off the reminder. So the other types, that’s really the only solution at the time.

Jason: It’s the only solution and what we found is it’s prone to errors. We very much want them to get reminders so we’re all working on that actively right now. But full disclosure, we’re not perfect either. So, I just figured I’d bring it up, Jess. Perfect. So, documentation is actually something I’m always excited to talk about because, you know, all the clinicians that hear this… They liked what I said in the scheduling and they understood that there were problems but this is what affects them. We have to save time. Saving time means one of the biggest things that we hear all of our clinicians are talking about and again, this is where I really feel like we have a leg up over competitors.

The magic in our system is that when you log into a visit, that’s not the first visit, it’s gonna bring up an exact copy of the previous visit. Now what does that mean if you’re a chiropractor and the last visit was a physical therapy visit? We have the ability to customize this so that it’s gonna bring up the previous date of service by either your specialty or if you don’t wanna do it, you can bring up that peachy note if that’s the one you really wanted to see in your chiropractor. Not many people find that one useful but those, you know, particular portions… So if you’re an MD, you’re a nurse practitioner, you’re a physical therapist, you’re a chiropractor, you don’t wanna see the other threads of notes.

You wanna be able to log in and pull up both the CVT codes, the diagnosis codes and the exact notes that are a copy of the exact notes that was billed up by the last person either that was you or the person in your office that’s with your specialty. This saves time. You don’t have to go search it, you don’t have to click make a copy, this is automatic. You didn’t make your changes in the subjective, you know, qualifying and showing that there’s been steady progress on the patient account of them getting better, you’re then able to billed that visit our very, very quickly. The other thing that saves time, especially when there’s evals or really only when there’s evals, because the next one to share the subjective only works on the first visit, correct, Jessica?

Jessica: Right. It only will cross all across specialties on that first visit and it only pulls the subjective with that option.

Jason: Perfect. So patient walks through the door, you can’t guarantee which specialty is gonna be the first person to see that one all the time, right? You’re not gonna make a patient wait while the chiropractor finishes up another evaluation. You know, typically, the physical therapist or whoever else is working that patient will go and start treating them or conducting the evaluation. You’re gonna ask a whole bunch of questions about how the patient’s doing and why they came there. You don’t want that experience to be repeated across all the specialties. So, what our development team has done is, we’ve heard the concern and they are going to populate those subjective complaints in our XMR technology, which is our main platform for documentation, across all those specialties.

So, for the first visit, it’s simply something that the clinician is going to read. For the subsequent visits, they’re going to have to update the progress that that patient is making when they complete their… probably what, Jess?

Jessica: Actually I’m not sure anymore if it’s only on the first visit.

Jason: It could be more.

Jessica: I’m thinking of where the setting is and the phrasing of it. I think it might always carry over the subjective.

Jason: Oh, okay.

Jessica: I think so.

Jason: Well, I tell you. I would love to get confirmation for that before the end of the call, that would be great. It’s one of those things that does save a lot of time. I know it happens for the first visit. If it happens all the time, actually that just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?

Jessica: Yeah.

Jason: Okay. Perfect. You’re gonna go find out, that’d be great. I’ll continue here. That amount of time saving isn’t necessarily to benefit the clinician, I know it does, but I’m certain in that it benefits the patient. And that’s how the concern was always brought to our attention. If we have to interview them three times, it doesn’t look like our multi-specialty practice has a coordinated effort to serve that patient. All right. We then have the xDoc platform including a library of outcome assessment tools, evaluation. So, we have other forms and I’ll give you a couple of examples of those other forms. Work excuses. You have to get somebody, you know, out of work within official diagnosis of, you know, this person hurt themselves on a job, you know, I’m the clinician that’s saying that they’re suffering from this particular ailment and they have to be out for work for, you know, so long. Coordinating with your front desk to print that out can be somewhat of a challenge but you have a library of these forms available. Jess, what did you find out?

Jessica: I did check that out and they did say it was just the first visit.

Jason: Just the first visit? Okay, great. So, these xDocs are there and they become part of the health record as well so those outcome assessment tools and evaluation forms. The evaluation forms are particularly useful for very extensive questionnaires such as your auto questionnaires are really useful in there. Because you have to ask so many specific questions, they act as a guide to make sure that you don’t forget some of the critical information that has to be gathered in order for you to get paid by insurance companies, you know, when they request that documentation. So, we have those libraries and they’re not just for chiropractic.

We have those libraries and they really cover a spectrum of specialties, some of which you might have to pay for. Because we have clientele that have come in here and built sub-libraries that are for sale, some of which is available for pretty much anybody who wants access. And there is even, on a limited basis, the ability to build a form. If we find that that form will be useful across our network, we’ll go ahead and spend money on resources. But we can’t guarantee that we’ll build, you know, every form that needs to be built for our practice. So, this doesn’t mean we won’t do it but we might talk to you about a price to charge for that.

So, you’ll notice again, Jess, I brought it back to single patient accounts. One account means all the notes, for all the visits, are located in one place. So, if an adjuster…actually we have a mental health clinic that has a couple of different specialties in it. And well, our team was out there last Friday. Blue Cross Blue Shield quite literally knocked on the door, they didn’t know they were coming. This is a relevant anecdote because we do hear of this. And they walk through the door and ask for patient records, right there. It was reasonable that they ask for them and this office was able to go to the documentation tab, grab all of it, hit the print button and they were able to package them up right then and there and submit it to them.

So, one account means ease of finding that documentation without having to go search in multiple places and making sure that you have it all. It is a very, very simple way of doing that. As well as your personal injury, or any cases where you actually have to mail notes on a regular basis, having all of them in a single place is always the best. And you can sort those and filter those based on, you know, clinicians as well. So that, you know, if you don’t wanna include the massage therapy or the chiro notes for your MD request for notes, you can just send those as well. So, it does make it simple for you, as a practice owner, to see the notes and then as a support staff, to find the right documentation to send.

Because let’s face it, documentation needs to be sent, just not anything, I don’t think anyone is gonna go away from that real soon. Okay. I already mentioned this, Jess, that it pulls over the previous diagnosis codes and CPT codes. I wanna reiterate it here because this also follows the same logic. I’m only pointing over the last notes for your specialty, if you customize it that way. So that as a covering, let’s just say MD, you don’t have to go choose all of the diagnosis and all of the CPT codes again by reading previous documentation which will simply slow you down. You can read the current note, very simple to see which codes are being chosen and are proposed for being billed out. And if no changes need to be made, you’ve saved yourself a lot of time and energy and reduced the risk for error.

Jessica: Yeah. And for this again, we can do it single specialty and across specialties, or across specialties only on that first visit.

Jason: Yeah. That I keep forgetting so thank you for pointing it out. Again, I put this one statement down here, which I already mentioned when we were talking about scheduling, the reason I added it here is all of our personal injury, workman’s comp, those types of payers typically don’t wanna see a patient statement. We have other types of statements as well and in those statements, when you wanna send them out, you simply have to have a ledger of each date of service and what was billed for those dates of service. And we have those ledgers as well. And those things are really exciting…and you’re giving me a look. We use these all the time in the fin tab.

Jessica: It could give you summaries, yes.

Jason: Yeah, okay. You gave me a look like you didn’t know what I was talking about. These, if you’re not using these right now, really do make it a lot simpler for you to send to an attorney or sometimes even just the adjusters, over at these particular payers, to get them a full breakdown of what was billed out for all these patients and what was paid. So, if you have multiple specialties in there, it simply makes it that much more challenging to do that. So, it’s not just the patient who benefits from having a single patient account, it cuts down a lot of work and makes it much more easy for anybody who needs to see these, to see the magnitude of all the work that was performed for that patient. The practitioner legend to show which practitioner charge which services.

Jessica: It’s a setting basically at the bottom of the statements. We can add each of the clinician’s name that’s for that patient with a code, usually the first and last initial. And then through the entire summary up at the top, next to each charge will be that initial so you can see which clinicians charge that, which service.

Jason: Great. And that can be helpful on a couple of different scenarios I can think of. But without it, it’s a lot of manual work, right?

Jessica: Right. Well, it also has the physician’s NPI. So sometimes if the owner of the practice, their information, the practice information will be up at the top. And then you’re sending these statements to insurance and they want the actual physician who saw the patient, they want their NPI. So this is the way you could get that to them. Just adding it right to the statement through the summary.

Jason: Number four is repetitive from what I’ve said already. Patient walks in, you just simply made their life a lot simpler. Typically, you’ll have a balance and a schedule that will say what the patient owes, and, you know, you run a credit card for $100, whatever it ends up being. And then that patient has paid and it allocates across all the balances and you don’t have to do anything, it’s fairly straightforward. But a lot of times you’ll ask…the patient will ask, “Well, why do I owe that?” That answer needs to be concise for a solid patient experience. The services you provided had value and if you’re able to explain it easily, that value usually is retained in the patient’s mind.

The second you can’t, doubt creeps in and we see that that patient’s perception of the practice goes from very high to very low, very quickly. So, I can’t reiterate that enough because my interaction with a lot of the practices has been, I can’t afford to get the answer of that question of what do I owe wrong. Or I can’t even hesitate when I’m answering it. I have to be able to show them very clearly why we are charging what they are charging. All right. And again, number five is a little repetitive as well. Our referrals and authorizations can be specified per specialty and so they will attach to the right claims which we’re trying to automate as much as we can automate here.

We do not wanna have anybody unnecessarily eye balling a claim before it has to go to an insurance company. If the authorization is there from the MD, for the physical therapist, then it should just simply attach to the physical therapy claim by specialty that’s going in. I really don’t have to simply that one anymore. If you’re spending time doing this, we think you’re wasting time. All right. And if you have any questions, I should have mentioned this, please chat them in and we’ll be happy to answer them. It notifies us, right, when somebody’s got a question?

Jessica: No, I actually have to open it up.

Jason: Okay, got it. So, reporting here…and I believe this is our last slide if I’m not mistaken, or management is. So, patient shows once in reports. So, if you’re gonna run any reports in our system, it’s always gonna be based around a patient account, right? This account would be exactly the same. But if you wanna count new patients, if you have four patient accounts, you’re unfortunately counting that patient four times when you really only have one extra patient coming through the door. You had no-shows, well, you’ve got four no-shows. These are the types of problems that we’re talking about, when we’re talking about multiple specialties.

You need to be able to track, by specialty, which you can very simply do, it’s one of those configurable reporting items within our systems to be able to pretty much run any of our major reports by specialty. And you can run it by the rendering as well and those referral sources are the big ones that are multi-specialty practices wanna be able to compare. The patient retention tools, this is a big one. Because if you’re gonna look at a no-show report and you have even one or multiple patient accounts, you’re gonna see four no-shows for one patient. It’s the same in our system as I believe for most of our competitors. In this scenario though, we’re still not recommending using a report to manage your no-shows.

There are a lot of reasons why you don’t wanna do that. Might be crossing your mind, “Well, what else would I do?” We’re suggesting here that you use a tool. The tool is a setting within our system that automates a task to be opened up to the appropriate person on your team to make a call back. If there are four no-shows for your MD, your nurse practitioner, your chiropractor and your weight loss, you don’t want four tasks either. We’re gonna open a single task to say that that patient no-showed. And let’s just say that patient left your office without a future appointment. They didn’t have a future appointment with any of your specialties, we’re still only gonna open one task.

And by some unfortunate accident that that patient no-showed and didn’t have any future appointments, for all four of those specialties, we’re still only gonna open one task consolidating those efforts to the right person saying, “Not only has this person missed their visit but they don’t have any future visits. This is a critical issue. We need to get this patient back on because they’ve got care left that they need to receive and we need to show that we care about them by giving them a call.” You can then actually run reports based on the actual tasks that are opened up in these categories. So, you can see which patients are being affected, which patients are being followed up on, and you can create policies that your office can actually follow through with.

I wish I could tell you I’ve seen every practice successfully reach out to every patient that has no-showed or, you know, just stopped coming to the practice, it’s not the case. But we do know that the efforts to reclaim a lot of those patients are worth doing and they do get patients back through the door. And so, your policy though has to have some sort of rigidity to it where you text message three times, you call three times and you email three times, you know, then you wait six weeks and you try it one more time. Then, you know, it’s just after that you actually just discharge the patient as lost.

Any way you look at it, after four weeks or 30 days, they’re gonna come back through the door and you have to treat them as a new patient anyway. An eval needs to be done. So, we want you to use those tools for those multiple specialties, as opposed to the unreliable nature of any type of report to follow up on really specifically. Then you can actually use some of our appointment detail reports if you wanna do any indepth analysis on the efficacy of your current processes. And lastly, here under management, this is one of those topics where, you as a practice owner or as an office manager, even a front desk person, you wanna have some control.

If you were talking about this from a billing perspective and there’s a problem with the patient account, managing that patient account, you know, in a singular situation is super easy if there’s one of them. You update the payer, you apply it to the data service range that you wanna apply it to. You update the claims that are affected and you get on with your life. You wanna update the settings for contacting their patient, let’s just say they’ve got a new cellphone number, you update it once. You don’t have to remember to do it in the three other accounts. We need to make managing the processes that you follow to schedule, bill, and document these patients easier.

And Vericle has thought long and hard about those problems that we discussed in the beginning and the best ways to go about solving those. We didn’t do them on our own in a vacuum, we did them with practice owners across all sorts of different disciplines to make sure that the recommendations and the implementation of which were there to serve you and the patient experience. That second part was something we just went over. For you, managing that practice, looking at those reports can be really, really problematic. If you have the ability to look at the work that needs to be done, as opposed to a report of work that could possibly be assigned, you have a much, much different perspective on how to manage that office.

You know which employees are making the phone calls to the right patients and which ones aren’t because you can actually look at the work that’s being recorded as opposed to the results of the patient. And in this particular instance, you can say, “All right, the work we’re doing is or isn’t working” and you can make changes. That no exponential scheduling or billing of the wrong account. I don’t want anyone listening to this to hear that as an understatement. It’s a real pain in the neck if you’re not gonna be able to accurately bill out and track the patient’s status as well as the outstanding status to insurance should you have that…of what’s happening at the patient account level.

We put no increase in cost here because our pricing typically, for a single specialty account versus the multi-specialty account, and when I mean typically, I mean 99% of the time, is the same. The only time that that’s ever really different is if you have a lot of different specialties at multiple, different locations. We typically come up with customized pricing to accommodate that. But, you know, if you’ve got, let’s just say three locations and four specialties at each location, the pricing you see on our websites, it applies to you. If you’ve got 21 locations with 6 different specialties at each one, it might not apply to you. We’re gonna have to have a conversation about that, but we’ll keep it reasonable.

And then the last thing is, is as this trend of having the patient at the center is being encouraged by insurance companies, they’re incentivizing for patients to get fixed at one location, at the same time it’s happening. We know that patient wellness is starting to be taken more seriously by insurance companies, which is suspicious but exciting. We know that all of those people are really considering or contemplating moving to this model. You might wonder, “Hey, how am I gonna implement this?” Now, we’re not gonna tell you from a tax structure how to do it. We’re definitely not gonna tell you what codes you should be billing. But we will help you implement this, from a tracking and management perspective, in your practice.

We have experience doing this now over a couple of hundred practices. We’ve done this and we’re happy to help you. So, if you have more questions about it, you simply would need to let us know. Open a ticket, make a phone call and we will get back to you and help walk you through it. And that was really the content for today. And over the next few weeks, we will be continuing to add demonstrations of each one of these sections, so you can kinda see how this is going to work. Not next week though, so we’ll start in two weeks with that. So, if there are any questions right now, we ask that you type them in, we’ll be absolutely happy to answer them. And, you know, after a couple of minutes if we don’t have any questions about the main topic, we always open it up to any topic that anyone wants to talk about.

Jessica: So, if anyone does not see the chat box in the left-hand side, at the top left, there should be a button that says Show Chat and then you will have the chat box for any of your questions.

Jason: That should be perfect. You know, we’ve done right now about…for the month of March anyway, out of the, I don’t know, a lot of new practices, over a third of them were multi-specialty that signed up with us. I didn’t look back historically, but, right now, over 25% of our practices, that are with us, are multi-specialty. So, this trend is picking up, so sounds exciting. If there are no questions about this topic, we’re happy to answer questions about any topic, so just let us know. All right. Well, if there are no other questions, I’d like to thank everyone for their time today and have fun. Have a great week.


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