Rehab Flow Sheet

New Genesis Flow Sheet and Travel Card for Exercises and Rehabilitation We have had many requests for a rehab flow sheet/travel card from offices that have a separate area where patients perform traction, exercises, physical therapy, etc. In response we created a new Flow Sheet/Travel Card! Here’s a video of Dr. Brian Capra with Genesis Chiropractic Software and Chiropractic Billing Service with the first release and how to use it.  Please leave feedback in the comments section below to let us know how we can make it even better.

User Training at Elite Coaching

Genesis User Training on Sat. Oct. 7, 2017 at the Elite Coaching Seminar in Chicago We are excited to announce our next Genesis Chiropractic Software User Training at the Elite Coaching Seminar! We’ve partnered with Dr. Fred DiDomenico and Elite Coaching to create a unique opportunity to get more out of Genesis Chiropractic Billing Service and also get motivated to crush it in practice on Monday morning! Where: Hyatt Regency O’Hare 9300 Bryn Mawr Avenue Rosemont, IL 60018 847-696-1234 Room: Rosemont When: Saturday Oct. 7th Time: 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM What we’ll cover: Creating an amazing patient experience (Genesis Px) leveraging Genesis’ unique Single Point Management technology, features, integrations, and automation. Plus there will be an open Question and Answer period. We will also be providing refreshments and snacks! Come for the entire chiropractic software training or just come say hello!

Review Wave Integration

Introducing Review Wave! A new partner integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software. Is it safe to assume that every Chiropractic office wants and needs new patients? Don’t you wish your existing patients would refer more family and friends to you? How can you tell if your patients are happy with your service or not? Are their any holes in your patient experience that you need to address? How can your office get more patient reviews on Google+, Facebook or Yelp? If any of these questions have crossed your mind, then you’re not alone. The majority of Chiropractic practices are trying to answer these same questions and trying to figure out the best way to go about it. The complexity of Social Media in 2017 leads many people to do nothing simply because they don’t know what to do. You could hope your patients use word-of-mouth to tell their family and friends, but that’s actually a very small number of people. Social Media is where people do their reviews and referrals which are broadcast to large numbers of people. For you to try to follow-up on those comments would be very time consuming, especially for any negative comments. What if there was a way to stop those negative comments before they happen? Would your patients post about your office if it was real easy for them? Would they review your service if it only took two clicks to automatically post on their Social Media? Introducing Review Wave where you can get better reviews, faster and easier. You can generate 5 star reviews from your happy patients on sites like Google+, Facebook and Yelp, all on Autopilot! Review Wave has been integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software on the Apps button next to Help on the right. Scroll to the bottom of the Apps to sign-up with Review Wave. To learn more about Review Wave we invite you to watch a video of Dr. Brian Capra interviewing Matt Prados of Review Wave. You will see exactly what it does, what it looks like and what it will do for your practice. Increase Patient Retention, Increase Search Engine Rankings, and Increase Patient Referrals!  

Your Practice CNS

Your Practice’s Central Nervous System As chiropractors we all know how important our patient’s central nervous system (CNS) is. After all, when we perform an adjustment we are directly affecting its function and improving the patient’s overall health and well-being. But, not many of us think about the fact that our practice needs a healthy CNS to function optimally and remain financially healthy as well – and that CNS is your practice management and billing system. If it’s not functioning at the highest level and performing all of the tasks you need it to handle, your practice, your patients and your income suffers. That’s why we designed Genesis Chiropractic Software to be the best CNS available for your chiropractic practice. Our chiropractic software platform is built on top of a proprietary chiropractic workflow management architecture, which is designed to automate the majority of your practice management tasks, starting with insurance billing. In addition, our advanced chiropractic workflow management system includes automated alerts and task generation.  Genesis was designed from the ground up to eliminate the need for memory-management, promotes practice teamwork, and helps manage patient communication and relationships. Genesis chiropractic software is designed to help you increase patient communication, reduce your patient no shows, automate your visit documentation, easily implement ICD-10 documentation into your chiropractic practice, manage your inventory and more. Genesis streamlines your entire practice management, helping to increase patient retention and generating more revenue and profits through a chiropractic practice management software system that actually works. The Genesis Chiropractic Software platform is designed to help you increase your collections, increase patient retention and increase your documentation compliance. That’s why so many of our users call Genesis the CNS of their practice. Here’s what they say about our software… Isaiah from Chiropractic Health says, “I like this billing system, the contact people are easy to get a hold of and have been most helpful getting up setup. They do our billing for us and they have the best team on the planet for insurance billing.” And, Dr. Vito from West Suburban Wellness says, “Genesis gives you quick access to vital information when you need it, is very customizable, cloud based is great, and keeps the system up to date on ICD10’s which helps for diagnosis and billing.” Dr. Andrew from Rivergate Chiropractic goes a step further to say, “The support is like no other they always answer the phone or emails.” So, if you’re ready to optimize your practice’s CNS, get the practice management and billing software trusted by so many chiropractors to increase patient retention, skyrocket practice revenues and automate your daily tasks to take the worry out of running your practice – get Genesis Chiropractic Software.