Billing Network Effect – Dr. Chris Zaino – How Billing Precision Levels the Playing Field with the Insurance Companies

Dr. Chris Zaino says, “There’s a lot of things that are involved in building a great successful practice but there’s a lot of things that kind of get in your way and one of them is insurance.”

A lot of times the insurance, the whole insurance structure of collecting money or working with it even though we want to use it when we can, and our patients want to use their insurance.

The whole game of the insurance scheme is tilted in their favor. So that when it comes to profiting you might think, oh they make their money off the premiums. OK but it’s not the premiums alone. It’s called the float and the float is that, that they’re holding the money, delaying payments so they could put in, get interest, or reinvest it, and it will make 50% of their profit.

Then add auditing. You know their audit is about, for every dollar they spend, they’re going to make about 13 dollars back. They statistically know this down to a science, they have a science to this. So if you’re just a local practitioner and you don’t have the right team involved with this, getting those funds back to where it should be, which is in your hands.

This is what’s happening, so this is why you need a, really a trained force to do so.

Now you finally realized what’s really going on. Sad part is you could look back, and even that billing person you have, I know they’re great and they’re wonderful but you realize that you’re absolutely unqualified to really deal with this and it’s impossible to do it alone so…but here, Billing Precision we’re going to level the playing field.

The only way you could do that is having a sophisticated technology and automation using a massive group of people. They’re doing tens of thousands of claims and you’ll never know when Medicare or any type of insurance company starts to tweak their system.

The only way you could tell is by looking at trends and immediately you could see that trend start to happen and once they find that, they know exactly how to counter it and level the playing field to your benefit.

–Dr. Chris Zaino

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