Dr. Kari Young on Genesis

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Dr. Kari Young talks about her Genesis experience in this 1 minute video.

Dr. Kari Young uses Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Dr. Kari Young did her homework. She went through 10 different demos and bought a couple software packages, thinking they would do the job for her practice.  She needed 10 things for the software to do for her practice and they did not. Then she found Genesis Chiropractic Software. She says that Genesis has fantastic on-boarding and that they can now focus on what’s important… caring for their patients. Visit her website.

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Do what Dr. Kari Young did. Find out more by scheduling your own appointment right now. Clicking the button in the bottom right will open a calendar to pick a date. Real numbers from your chiropractic practice will be used to show you how Genesis will improve 5 areas of your practice.

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We call it a Dream Practice Analysis. Find out and then you can make an informed decision about increasing your revenue 62%, increasing your patient retention 26% and increasing your documentation compliance 32%, all in 33% less time as our clients have.

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