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PQRS | How These Four Letters Affect Your Practice | Webinar Q&A

chiropractor software has built-in credit card processing for staff to use.
ICD-10 questions and answersUnless you are billing the right set of PQRS codes on 50 percent of your qualifying visits, then you will lose 2 percent of your allowed reimbursement in 2016 and forward. As a result, you may have concerns about the changes that this reporting system brings to your chiropractic clinic.

To help you get the answers you need, we have compiled all questions that were asked during our recent webinar “PQRS | How These Four Letters Affect Your Practice,’ along with the presenter’s responses. Feel free to add any new questions in the comment section below.

Q: Is Genesis powered by Vericle an eligible registry?

A: Right now, the only way to submit a PQRS code to CMS is claim-based. Vericle is working on becoming a registry. It’s a very long process. Right now, we are working on Stage Two Meaningful Use. This is another way for users to avoid the 2016 penalty.

Q: Does pain and medication measure have to be reported on every visit?

A: Whatever measurements you choose to report, the documentation has to be in your chart.

Q: What is Genesis powered by Vericle doing to maintain compliance with Medicare?

A: In terms of compliance with Medicare, Vericle does keep up on the rules. In some cases, if you need a different secondary diagnosis when you’re submitting your claims to Medicare, Vericle is C-CHIT. Vericle completed EHR Meaningful Use Stage One and is preparing for Stage Two, which is Medicare compliant. PQRS codes have been available in the Vericle system.

Learn more with the PQRS webinar so you can see it and hear it.

Does PQRS affect your chiropractic practice?

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