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Learn How To Turn Your Patients Into Lifetime Cancer Killers!

     In September 2010 Dr. Charles Majors was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer that metastasized to his brain.  He chose to leave conventional medicine, and applied the same principles he had been teaching for years to reverse his own disease.  Dr. Majors is now in full remission, and lives in Plainfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with his beautiful wife Andrea and their four children.

     In his book, Dr. Majors not only tells his own story about beating one of the most deadly cancers in the world, but he also adds instructions and real-world solutions for people trying to beat cancer naturally.
“Tumors grow fast and spread in a low-oxygen environment. As a tumor grows, it can no longer supply oxygen to the center of the tumor. That low level of oxygen in the cell, really called hypoxia, actually further activates the oncogenes, the cancer promoting genes. So the carcinoma begins spreading like wild fire! One of the major protocols here is to immediately get on a high fat, low carbohydrate (vegetables), minimum protein diet. Measure your blood glucose every day and stay under 75.”  – Dr. Charles Majors

     Genesis Chiropractic Software caught up with Dr. Majors and asked him what he did to beat his cancer, and how he shares the message of health, wellness, and Cancer Killing with his patients.  Click the link below to learn more about the Cancer Killers, and how you can give these practice-growing, life-changing Workshops in your office.

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