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Genesis Nation – Scott Warren from Blueprint to Practice Automation with Dr. Brian Paris

In this video interview, Dr. Brian Paris, from Genesis, talks with Scott Warren, of Blueprint Practice Automation, about how his company helps chiropractors automate their practices and improve patient outcomes.

According to Warren, Blueprint Practice Automation provides chiropractors with a turnkey system to catch up their practices to the digital age, while also providing a higher level of care for their patients. The company offers 16 automated clinical niches, ranging from chiropractic care to body contouring and neurofeedback, that allows chiropractors to treat their patients both in-person and remotely, through hybrid and virtual therapies.

The key to the company’s success, Warren explains, is its focus on practice automation. Through its seminars, patient education, and lead generation processes, Blueprint Practice Automation helps chiropractors to streamline their practices and focus on what they do best: helping their patients get better.

One of the company’s flagship offerings is its XPA workshop, which stands for Experience Practice Automation. The two-day workshop is designed to give chiropractors a taste of what Blueprint Practice Automation can do for them, providing training in everything from patient acquisition to business fundamentals.

According to Warren, the company’s mission is to create freedom for doctors. By automating many of the processes involved in running a chiropractic practice, Blueprint Practice Automation allows doctors to focus on what they do best, while also providing a higher level of care for their patients.

The interview with Warren provides a fascinating insight into how chiropractic practices can benefit from embracing digital technology and automation. To learn more about Blueprint Practice Automation, watch the full interview above.

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